? 4 Robb and MS

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May 3, 2002
I was just curious.

Say if an artist on your lable sold 25,000 copies of their solo album. How much money would the artist make and how much would Killa Valley make?
Apr 25, 2002
matters on whut we put into the album, but lets say we spent like whut we did on Droops MOI album $48,000 and made $72,000 so thats profit of $24,000 less returns and accounts payable of about $8,000 so bout $16,000 x 30%
Artist gets $4,800
Label gets $11,200
thats at about 13,000 units

so at 25,000 units maybe it would be like profirt bout $52,000
Artist $15,600
Label $36,400

but KVE has got its own lab now and many other advantages so the prfit for 25,000 units now would be about
expenses for basic package album $12,000 so about profit of about 100,000 minus expenses

Artist $26,400
Label $61,600

sum thing lke that anyways, but usally the expesnes allocated to each project is just for that project that doesnt include running expenses for the business which usualy another 30%+

so top figure would be Label $7,840
next one down label $25,480
botton one Label $43,120
minus from labels share also is whut ever employeee gets paid.....just a over view
May 3, 2002

Good shit Robb. That answered my question, thankz.

One more quick question. For each cd sold, what is the profit. Like the Koaz album for example. If you sell one cd, how much does the lable get per cd and how much does the artist get per cd.

Sorry if these questionz are a waste of your time,but I just wanna learn a little bit about the rap game from the folkz who know.
Apr 25, 2002
well all depends, the is always a break even point in any business so once that break even points gets met then its all profit from there on...........for instance: we spent $15,000 on Kaoz cd and sold 2500 units well we pressed 5,000 units so Direct cost is at $3.00 per cd and profit ranges from $4.41-$2.00 a unit over all but cost on the first (FIFO) units sold would be $6.00 and a profit of $1.41-($-1.00) per cd...............but say we get good re orders and press up another 3,000 units so cost goes up over all to $19,000 so now ur over all cost per cd is dropped to $2.38 and ur profit is increased to $5.03-$2.62 per unit so all depends on whut u spend and see now the break even point for the project is to get at $19,000 or ta sale 3,800 units at $5 each, or ta sale 4,750 units at $4 each, or ta sale 1,900 units at $10 each however u can but usually its at diffrent prices for diffrent folks............so basically or breal even omint of the Kaoz album is at about 3,800 units then we will start ta see a profit..............the more money it takes ta make a album the more u gota sale ta get to that breal even point and the more u sale the more profit u make per unit.........thats i tell all artist ta get whut they can up front cuz that gaurennteed money, the label isnt gaurennteed ta get shit back, but takes all the risk of losing its up fornt cash , in this case $19,000 .........thats a big loss if so.......

but theres ur first course in Business Managment 101 homie for free!..........surprised my self with sum of my schooling on that one there...........Business Admin Major and AA Diploma...........hahahah
Sep 10, 2002
where have i been?? no no no, where have YOU been? have you checked your pm on raptlak lately?? nooooooo, you haven't, you sexy little bitch you! ;) and the question isn't if I can stay up....the question is if YOU can stay up! :devious: i am such a little devil! ::kisses:: to the whole kve fam.