Jewish race/ Judaism

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Feb 19, 2015
I think (actually I know) if any race is the master race it would be the black man and black woman. Biologically they are the superior dominant species of the humans. Probably a hard pill to swallow for most of the rest but the truth will set you free.
original man was the perfect balance between black and white .. aka the original jews. balance is the key to life .. black folks is one end of the spectrum and whites is the other. fux wit me now אכי.
Jan 31, 2008
nobody is special
grow the fuck up and quit trying to feel better about yourself by associating with this group or that group

whether you are legit or not depends on the kind of person you are
and if you are the kind of person who rides the coattail of others then you are a weak person
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May 7, 2013
nobody is special
grow the fuck up and quit trying to feel better about yourself by associating with this group or that group

whether you are legit or not depends on the kind of person you are
and if you are the kind of person who rides the coattail of others then you are a weak person
I love the second portion of what you said, but as far as the first portion I disagree. I think everything is special. Every organism, every element, every....thing. The actions of man are either eSPECIALly good or eSPECIALly bad, yet all remain special in their own framework. Anyone who doesn't believe their life has a purpose should probably just end their existence as they know it, you are not needed here- go elsewhere. In another thread you speak of how there is no free will but yet now you want to discuss legitimacy. If there is no free will, there is no legitimacy. Also, while I am against coattail riding from a similar perspective that you state, I believe my daughter said it best when she was 12. Why is copycatting an issue with some people if everyone does it.

Just as every single two notes have already been placed next to each other before any man ever played them, nothing man does is original for he is a mimic.
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Jan 31, 2008
I think everything is special. Every organism, every element, every....thing.
I can agree to this but it is obvious that 'special' is being used in a different context here.
you've taken my statement and drew your own implications rather than mine. You do this later when you ask about free will.
What I should have said is "no status is special" or "no classification is special" or "even if you are under so n so classification it doesn't mean that you inherit its value". Fill in the blanks dude... you know what I am saying.

The actions of man are either eSPECIALly good or eSPECIALly bad, yet all remain special in their own framework. Anyone who doesn't believe their life has a purpose should probably just end their existence as they know it, you are not needed here- go elsewhere.

In another thread you speak of how there is no free will but yet now you want to discuss legitimacy.
Let me explain something that you may or may not understand. There are systems of classifications in which certain statements can be made that appears contradictory against other statements made in a different system of classification.

It is similar to explaining reality through the eyes of physics or through they eyes of philosophy.
These classifications are not mutually exclusive.

for instance you can say that you are an one as as an individual human being. But under a larger classification you are really one with all of humanity. Human beings share a collective existence. And in an even larger classification, human beings are one with animals and then organic life etc...

So yes, you may find me talking about the larger classification that man has no free will and in the next conversation you will see me talking about the need for man to do something about his case.

Both are contradictory if they exist in the same realm but they don't.
If you want to get nit-picky with it is it the larger picture that is absolutely true; that he has no free will.
But this is like coming at me asking me why im trying to get laid when I know it is just a trick nature plays on us for procreation... well yeah, but, in this world that I am operating from I want to read and write romantic poetry about the pussu.

If there is no free will, there is no legitimacy.
There totally is legitimacy its just not what people are flaunting or aiming to portray.
Are you going to come at me now for contradicting myself again?

Also, while I am against coattail riding from a similar perspective that you state, I believe my daughter said it best when she was 12. Why is copycatting an issue with some people if everyone does it.

Just as every single two notes have already been placed next to each other before any man ever played them, nothing man does is original for he is a mimic.
You see the context of this discussion involves mental midgets going back and forth about who is better than who because of something they had absolutely 0 influence over. Rather than speak on their own achievements, they'd rather speak on the achievements of people they have never even met and then come at everyone else aggressively like we are all lesser people. It is this behavior that warranted the 'classification level' of perspective necessary to for them to see themselves in a different light.
Props: StillHustlin
Jun 21, 2006
nobody is special
grow the fuck up and quit trying to feel better about yourself by associating with this group or that group

whether you are legit or not depends on the kind of person you are
and if you are the kind of person who rides the coattail of others then you are a weak person
I can feel you on this, but at the same time I lol’d at it. After 3000+ years of white man feeling superior, genocides, slavery, torture (the list goes on), now you tell us there is no difference between race? I feel this is a white mans statement: “just forget about the 3000 bad years man and make peace now because white man says so”.

No man: there are apologies to be made and scores to be settled. Kinda easy preaching peace when white man is still bombing the middle east as they feel muslims are inferior to them. To quote a great (lost) mind: fuck peace.
Jan 31, 2008
I can feel you on this, but at the same time I lol’d at it. After 3000+ years of white man feeling superior, genocides, slavery, torture (the list goes on), now you tell us there is no difference between race?
Let me ask you a question... if the roles were reversed between the palestinians and israelis, would the middle east have known peace?

I feel this is a white mans statement: “just forget about the 3000 bad years man and make peace now because white man says so”.
It is fine that you feel indignation given the framework that you are speaking from.
I am not a white man and I give no excuses to anybody. I also do not blame a whole people. You are not a bad person because you are white and you are not a good person because you are a minority.
Its just circumstances folks. If you want to be a spear carrier in another's drama then go for it. I like to take a step back and look at the forces which move people rather than presume that people themselves are responsible for their own very 'human nature'.

When you look at warring ape tribes do you really side with one or hold it against the other? If the tables were turned would the underdog behave similarly, out of fear and for the sake of its survival, or are you telling me that the white man is strictly the devil's spawn?

No man: there are apologies to be made and scores to be settled. Kinda easy preaching peace when white man is still bombing the middle east as they feel muslims are inferior to them. To quote a great (lost) mind: fuck peace.
There are apologies to be made for sure and scores settled, but it would do no good if this behavior and its consequences are a symptom of human nature as a whole. There is a lot of generational trauma being passed around.
Healing once and for all will not come from reparations. We are dealing with cosmic forces here that have made human nature what it is right now. You can't overlook this and be just 100% invested in the drama.
May 7, 2013
I like to take a step back and look at the forces which move people rather than presume that people themselves are responsible for their own very 'human nature'..
While I can respect your opinion, I disagree with this. People themselves are responsible for their very own human nature from the time they are released as sperm out of the male parasite into the female host. Not every sperm is strong enough or successful at mutating into a fetus and not every fetus is strong enough to or successful at mutating into a born human. There are always exceptions and uncontrolled decisions from conception through death. When we speak of human nature, however, generally speaking (minus the small percentage of exception) each individual is in control of their own human nature. I Self Lord Am Master. Some Know the Ledge and others ignore it. For us to just say "oh, that's okay, it's human nature," is an excuse. Yes, some things are human nature, but most is learned behavior that is chalked up as human nature. Most of us reach a certain maturity, sel realization, and sense that we are able to rationalize which learned behaviors are necessary, which are not, and which should never be exercised. I don't feel like a 6000 character response at this moment so I will move on. As far as warring tribes ethnic oppression and tit for tat, there is nothing natural about that order. I build you don't go around murdering people because their skin is lighter or darker than yours or they are from 4000 miles away and don't reside on your cross street. Greed and control are what drive that. 99% of us don't aspire to live like that, therefore it cannot be accepted as human nature due to a disgusting psychopathic few. We are not dogs, there is no need to war over the size of our yards. Unlike dogs we have the capability to move beyond that, it's just that the ill refuse it and we choose to let the ill decide it (and that's the Siccness). :siccness:

By the way the Ill peoples battle is a battle for resources- all wars are economic wars. While the profane (non-initiated common folk) fight over who likes what girl or you cursed at who, they are fighting over real possessions- finite resources that are necessary for all human survival. They teach us in schools that we have to share our own, don't bring any if you can't bring enough for everybody- while their plan is take everything at all costs. They are not us and can never be us.

Before you reply thinking I am assuming I know how you think, I dont- these are my thoughts.
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Jan 31, 2008
Yes we can totally have this discussion. I am currently at work and will reply tonight when I have time. I will try not to respond on a statement by statement basis because this discussion will grow too large to handle.
If you feel I did not give my input on something specific, let me know.
Jun 21, 2006
Let me ask you a question... if the roles were reversed between the palestinians and israelis, would the middle east have known peace?
If you talking solely about the palestinian-Israelian conflict, probably not because there would still be a difference between people (different religion, different skin color, different whatever). And people don't like difference. They go to war for difference.

If you are talking peace in the middle east in general, then "No" for sure, because theres too much oil in the middle east for the USA not to interfere in arab politics (bombing afghanistan, bombing and invading Irak etcetera). Al Quaida and ISIS are a reaction to the ungoing crusades.

I want there to be peace. I want to believe that white man is not the devils spawn. History proofs otherwise though.

I would like to add that I smoked way too much weed yesterday to solve the worlds problems in this post today... lol
Jan 31, 2008
I responded to this over the course of a couple days this past weekend. Went to post and it said session had expired and cleared everything for me.

Ill give it another shot....

While I can respect your opinion, I disagree with this. People themselves are responsible for their very own human nature from the time they are released as sperm out of the male parasite into the female host. Not every sperm is strong enough or successful at mutating into a fetus and not every fetus is strong enough to or successful at mutating into a born human. There are always exceptions and uncontrolled decisions from conception through death.
How could someone be responsible for something they did not choose? You are saying that if a mother smokes crack while carrying a fetus then the baby is responsible for being a crack addict.
You are saying that if a mom is domestically abused during a pregnancy, that it is the baby's responsibility for taking in all the cortisol from her placenta.

You speak of exceptions but the influences of these exceptions (crack baby) are the norm when you look all the epigenetic factors that play out in one's life.

Placental FKBP5 Genetic and Epigenetic Variation Is Associated with Infant Neurobehavioral Outcomes in the RICHS Cohort

When we speak of human nature, however, generally speaking (minus the small percentage of exception) each individual is in control of their own human nature.
Certainly, there is the appearance that each 'individual' is in control of their behavior, which I disagree with, but you keep saying in control of their human nature. Isn't human nature something that you just showed up as? Did you choose to be a human, walking on two legs, eating certain types of food, needing sustenance in specific forms, etc?

Maybe you are talking about human behavior. If you are, let me know so we can hone in on this notion that "man" is a "doer".

I Self Lord Am Master. Some Know the Ledge and others ignore it. For us to just say "oh, that's okay, it's human nature," is an excuse. Yes, some things are human nature, but most is learned behavior that is chalked up as human nature.
Do you realize that the capacity and form of any learned behavior is dependent on the nature of the thing that is doing the learning? If you throw a football at a fish, will it score a touch down?

You can see human nature, as with the nature of every species, as a scaffolding for learned behavior. What comes in, and in what form, and with what impact it has, are all already decided upon given the nature of the thing. This, my friend, is 'learned behavior' to its lowest degree.

Now would you like to discuss learned behavior from a social standpoint, as the collective, from a social animal perspective, also part of human nature??

Most of us reach a certain maturity, sel realization, and sense that we are able to rationalize which learned behaviors are necessary, which are not, and which should never be exercised.
The capacity which we can rationalize with comes with the box of options that we showed up in.
The manner in which we rationalize something is also predicated upon this box of options.
There is absolutely a lot of chance and accidents that go into making someone successful or a failure and none of it is under their control.
A child from a shitty background may never have within him the capacity to rationalize how he can one day become president or why he should believe he is capable or even deserving.

I am not trying to tell you to imagine scenarios that only make my points valid. I am asking you to pay attention to these things in your day to day life and you will see that people are under the Law of Accidents.

I don't feel like a 6000 character response at this moment so I will move on. As far as warring tribes ethnic oppression and tit for tat, there is nothing natural about that order.
lol if it is not natural then how could it exist, dude?
Did they create this capacity themselves? Can they create a capacity that doesn't currently exist?

If you would like to give me specific examples of the exercising of free will, I would be more than happy to break down every single god damned accidental event that has gone into making it happen.

I build you don't go around murdering people because their skin is lighter or darker than yours or they are from 4000 miles away and don't reside on your cross street. Greed and control are what drive that. 99% of us don't aspire to live like that, therefore it cannot be accepted as human nature due to a disgusting psychopathic few. We are not dogs, there is no need to war over the size of our yards. Unlike dogs we have the capability to move beyond that, it's just that the ill refuse it and we choose to let the ill decide it (and that's the Siccness). :siccness:

By the way the Ill peoples battle is a battle for resources- all wars are economic wars. While the profane (non-initiated common folk) fight over who likes what girl or you cursed at who, they are fighting over real possessions- finite resources that are necessary for all human survival. They teach us in schools that we have to share our own, don't bring any if you can't bring enough for everybody- while their plan is take everything at all costs. They are not us and can never be us.

Before you reply thinking I am assuming I know how you think, I dont- these are my thoughts.
So you think you and your family and friends are representatives of human nature and are exercising free will, but not those psychopathic 'few'.

This is all human (ape) nature, and nobody is exercising free will.

I think once you understand that you are not doing the thinking in your head and can stand as an outsider to the function which that thinking is serving (survival), then you can truly observe man as the ape that he is.

But you, as anticipated by nature, are 'thought' into existence through these thoughts. The thoughts come first and they include the "I". And the thinking is a function of the brain organ, serving the function of survival.

Now this is a very hard thing to grasp, hard, as in unwanted. The identity of an individual is based on a subject/object relationship of his identifications.
So if I tell you that you don't exist, you can't help but feel all the things you identified with as 'me' or 'mine' will also be thrown into question. "but what about my big bank account? and my family? this just has to be real!" (Bill Hicks)

Man as a collective is not meant to comprehend this shit or even meant to want to comprehend this shit. He is meant to look away from this reality of his true nature.
He is meant to believe that he is behaving like an ant on his own free accord!

So the important question is "What is the nature of Human Nature?"... I mean.. what are we, really?

Care to guess?
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Props: StillHustlin
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
It's passed down through your mom's line. I am an Ashkenazi Jew (Russian Jew) my family on my mom's side immigrated from Russia on a boat to Buenos Aires in the late 1800s. Then they migrated north to Canada. We don't practice Jewishism. In fact, this was something I just learned about recently, but yeah that's what they say. I just say fuck it I'm a white canadian. I don't identify as a jew. But, apparently if I was like a certain age I could have got my birth right trip to Israel for free. But I'm too old now. Fuck jews.
That's wrong, in Torah it has ALWAYS been through the Fathers side. Thats why that prophecy of the messiah coming from the tribe of Judah meant someone from judahs loins was to be the messiah. Not from any of the wives. Everything is backwards with JewIsh people.

Numbers 1:18
And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their FATHERS, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls.
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
I think (actually I know) if any race is the master race it would be the black man and black woman. Biologically they are the superior dominant species of the humans. Probably a hard pill to swallow for most of the rest but the truth will set you free.
Damn I wish I wad here more when this was going on. This is where u tag me in and i ask them to prove the Jews in the bible ARNT black.