HBO: Game of Thrones

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May 9, 2002
Amen man. I don't understand why they are ending the show at all, let alone trying to condense the season into 7 episodes. This is HBO's most successful show of all time, with lots of source material remaining.....yeah lets hurry up and wrap it up. WTF makes no sense and leads to the sloppiness described in the last few posts in this thread.
With the way its being criticized now, arent people lightweight HAPPY it is ending? With out the power of GRRM's actual content behind it, its clearly taken a step back.
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May 13, 2002
21102487_865524840294532_8360120293674450944_n - Streamable

^^^lol this is hilarious

Money is the reason there's less episodes, the main cast is getting paid $1mil per episode, less episodes = less payouts. When they make a dunk & egg series with unknowns that's going to be way cheaper.
Plus D&D want to be done and move on to their next project. I heard they pitched and HBO eventually agreed to a show about how the south won called Confederate:

Confederate chronicles events leading to the "Third American Civil War". It takes place in an alternate timeline, where the southern states have successfully seceded from the Union, giving rise to a nation in which slavery remains legal and has evolved into a modern institution. The story follows a broad swath of characters on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Demilitarized Zone – freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists, the executives of a slave-holding conglomerate, and the families of people in their thrall​

lol fucking idiots they could have had Dunk & Egg or any other GoT spinoff and kept the money train going, but THIS is what they wanted. Already there is talk of boycotts lol

But that's good though, I'd rather have different writers have a crack at the GoT universe. I think I heard there are four shows coming out in the next couple years or so, two of which the writers will work with GRRM. Some of the writers they have look promising.
May 13, 2002
I can get past a lot of this stuff. How do they travel so fast, how did Dany get back while they just chilled, how did 7 guys not get fucking murdered the minutes the white walkers started their second advance, where'd they get the chains, etc. Sloppy writing, maybe. But imagine trying to pack this entire "book" into 7 episodes. Which leads me to my main issue: WHY MAKE THIS 7 EPISODES IF YOU COULD EASILY HAVE EDITED THIS SHIT TO 8-10?
One of these actually has an explanation - the chains. There was a dock with chains on it for boats/ships in that frozen lake where the dragon goes down.

[Spoilers] For those wondering where the Night King got the chains. - Album on Imgur

But yeah I've been saying that too that they should milk the show longer, at least another season but I think it's money, D&D moving on to their next project (Confederate) and that it was the original deal to have 7 seasons or whatever. I still think GRRM agreeing in 2007 that he would have the next book finished and final book outlined is the biggest problem. I think it could have been handled better but D&D didn't sign up to finish the novels for him, that's kinda fucked up, it's not what they do. They get about a month and a half to two months to write AND adapt it to screen on top of everything else the show demands out of them. It's crazy. Meanwhile GRRM has had a decade now and he's not even done with one book let alone a outline to the final. Not even Brandon Sanderson wants to touch his series should the circumstance arise. But on the other hand, GRRM has never actually finished a series on his career so maybe they should have anticipated better. Still though let's keep perspective here - this isn't Lost or Dexter. Some plotholes and rushing the story this season to come to a grand finale still isn't anywhere near as bad as those shows got and countless others.

Regardless, I love this universe since I've always felt it's the perfect mesh of reality and magic, so I can't wait to see see fresh material with new writers. I think we discussed this in the past but there's so much damn content, obviously Roberts Rebellion is an obvious one besides Dunk & Egg, Aegon’s Conquest if you want more dragon shit, The Blackfyre Rebellions, etc.
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May 13, 2002
That was a dope episode. Littlefinger gurgling blood was satisfying, waited so long for that. Fucking Ice Dragons. Jon Targaryen the true heir. Boat sex. Some of those scenes were great - Cersei and Jamie and Cercei and Tyrion in particular. Theon as well talking to Jon. Good shit.

The one thing that was going to piss me off was Euron Grayjoy, I was thinking he's way too crazy to simply leave. Sneaky move by Cersei and I'm glad they didn't write him off like that.
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May 13, 2002
kinda holding out hope that tormund made it, doesn't look good for him tho
I'm guessing if he died they would have showed it. He's a fan favorite so I doubt they have his death off camera. Especially after teasing his death in the prior episode. Only have to wait a year and a half to find out! :ermm:
Nov 24, 2003
The one thing that was going to piss me off was Euron Grayjoy, I was thinking he's way too crazy to simply leave. Sneaky move by Cersei and I'm glad they didn't write him off like that.

Isn't there something like the actors who play Bronn and Cersei can't be near one another in real life so they are never in the same scene on the show?

I thought when Bronn was like "Podrick lets get out of here and let the fancy people talk" it was basically just to get him out of the next scene with Cersei lol.