You're fucking right I voted for Trump!

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Jan 29, 2005
Im not saying it doesnt go both ways, but it appears that Trump has given those an excuse to be out of the dark shadows. He has made the divide in this country much more apparent.

OK. But Duke certainly agrees with what Trump is doing and was very vocal about it on twitter.
Extreme racists have always been out of the dark shadows. The media just covers it now. Trump showing up didn't all of a sudden give these racists courage, it's just now we actually see it.
May 9, 2002
so saying sexist shit is only sexist if the world can see? closet sexism is ok?

Lincoln was a Republican, but liberals would say "that was when the Republican party was good, before they were racists".

i get what you're sayin about the DNC, and it cant be racist cus Obama is black, but you are white. i don't expect you to see the racism. the D's systematically hold and keep blacks and mexicans down. they show love at election time, that's all. the MSNBC link pretty much says it all. Obama aint a racist. i think he means well. but a huge chunk of that party uses us to stay elected and stay makin money. our struggle gives them power. it's not hard to see that.
No, saying sexist shit and being absolutely OK with it and bragging about it, is sexist. Do we all say borderline shit? Sure. But comparing what is said on a message board, which is loaded with people trying to "trigger" or "shock" is a far cry from him telling someone "yeah, i just grab their pussies because i can". Bruh.

Racism has existed way before people even came to raid this country. Racism has been around for thousands of years.
May 9, 2002
Extreme racists have always been out of the dark shadows. The media just covers it now. Trump showing up didn't all of a sudden give these racists courage, it's just now we actually see it.
Maybe, or its given them excuse to be who they really are. Sometimes we as humans need that extra push. In the story i gave, the person who assaulted that gay dude would not have said "We got a new president, you fucking faggots." And it started because they were ribbing each other about the election. So it was used as the vessel. If they were just at the bar, and something occurred, maybe the guy who beat him never even brings up his sexual orientation...i dont know because thats not how it went down.
Apr 25, 2002
No, saying sexist shit and being absolutely OK with it and bragging about it, is sexist. Do we all say borderline shit? Sure. But comparing what is said on a message board, which is loaded with people trying to "trigger" or "shock" is a far cry from him telling someone "yeah, i just grab their pussies because i can". Bruh.

well i respect your opinion, but i think the whole "trigger" or "shock" reasoning is an excuse. this board was based on music about sexism. most of us dont take it seriously. but i don't think Trump does either. i think his shit was for "shock" too.
May 9, 2002
well i respect your opinion, but i think the whole "trigger" or "shock" reasoning is an excuse. this board was based on music about sexism. most of us dont take it seriously. but i don't think Trump does either. i think his shit was for "shock" too.
He openly admitted to doing it. Now, did he actually DO it? I dont know, but didnt a bunch of chicks come forward and call foul on him?

And anyone taking rap seriously, including myself, should be slapped. We like it because its "shocking". None of use are eating babies and putting guns in whoms. And nither is the person rapping it. Its the same way many people love horror and gore movies. Doesnt mean they go out and do it or emulate it. Some do.

Hey, maybe Trump is a perfectly clean human being and everything we have heard is BS, but he just seems hella sketch to me and many others. I will say this though, some of his policies scream "i dont know what in the fuck im doing, but it sounds good to near poor white people so ill say it". He was right...he appealed to uneducated people and it worked. He called it 20 years ago. Kudos to him.
Nov 27, 2014
Thanks to the fuck tards who tore up the town last night I get to go home early today. I hear am organization is paying some of the people to protest some are from out of state. Is it black lives matter? Or maybe the Feds pushing riots to make us look bad and cause division


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Thanks to the fuck tards who tore up the town last night I get to go home early today. I hear am organization is paying some of the people to protest some are from out of state. Is it black lives matter? Or maybe the Feds pushing riots to make us look bad and cause division
Yes; it's George Soros; who has links to the DNC / the same people who funded and pushed Black Lives Matter (at least until about a month leading into the election when they conveniently disappeared), basically the same people behind this entire liberal mental disease and the entire entitled "everyone gets a participation trophy" generation

They control 8/9 major news publications, 3/4 major tv Networks, twitter, Google, reddit, you name it. Best to unplug yourself


Most of the protests are all obviously a part of Soros' globalist agenda and were pre-planned. It was fairly obvious to me when they were plastered on the front page of all of the newspapers today, and then seeing that's the narrative being run on every trending article on Google news (which is 100% definitely without a doubt a pure globalist confirmation bias bubble). I'm sure theres a few actual organic ones in the areas where the liberal mental illness is strongest, like Oakland / Berkeley, because like SeriouslyThug said the dumbest people have the greatest indignation and these sheep feel like they're some kind of warriors for righteousness in some sick diseased way. But I guess that's what happens when the echo chambers are so strong and they've brainwashed them into thinking ALL trump supporters are uneducated or rednecks or ignorant, or effected by one of the "isms" like Racism or Fascism or whatever else they've been hammering in for the past several months on all fronts of the globalist confirmation bias bubble / inside of the globalist echo chamber

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies - YouTube
Jun 21, 2016
I didn't even read it and I know it's george soros

Honestly, this is coming from a minority mixed race person, America is a white country first and foremost. White people took over because they were the strongest. Like the Lion is king of the jungle, the other animals don't cry about safe spaces, the white man is king of America. Deal with it. Don't like it? Go back to mexico/ africa/ israel or grab a gun and fight for the land.

Or whine on social media.
May 7, 2013
I'm holding out hope that a lot of the shit he said on the campaign trail was just bullshit to garner support. I think the quote below supports that, if that's why he ran republican in this election. It's old though so who knows.

Except for the fact it isn't real and he never said it