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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
barely played yesterday, like 2 hours. did some thieves guild quests and got my blacksmithing to 100, took the dragon armor perk. i fucked up though because i sold a bunch of dragon scales and bones to get enough cash to bring my blacksmithing from 97-100, then i went to make myself a dragon armor suit and i didnt have enough scales to make the helmet, lol. fuck

when i get home ill have to go dragon hunting to get some scales. dragons are like, infinite spawn right? seems like everytime i try and go to a new area a dragon shows up like clockwork. the last two dragons i predicted them being there and i was right. i was like hmm never been here before, oh a wide open area, i bet a dragon will- yup, there it is lol.

also, need to bring the difficult up from adept to master. i bought it down from expert cause i was in some area where magic was killing me way too fast, died like 10 times in a row and it was pissing me off. but a blood dragon landed in front of me out of the blue and i did that whirlwind charge right up to its face, power attack, it reeled back stunned from the power attack, repeat another 4 times and it was dead without it even hitting me. the only thing that sucks about master difficulty though is some punk ass spell casters will shoot a frost bolt at me from halfway across the screen and kill me in one or two hits before i can even get over there. i think i fucked up by putting a ton of points into stamina early on, im just now starting to put points into health. level 37 and i have like 400 stamina and only like 180 health i think. all that stamina helped me get rich faster early on and helped me clear out tougher enemies by being able to power attack like 5 times in a row, but stamina seems pretty worthless once you get a super powerful weapon. i sell every stamina potion i get now because you dont even really have to power attack, you can swing with 0 stamina and it still fucks shit up. i thought that once your stamina got to 0 your attacks were weak and you got hit for more damage but thats not the case at all. oh well play and learn i guess.

my new strategy is going to be to get as much health as possible, then put health regeneration enchantments on my armor so i can regenerate faster
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
Once your enchantment skill is high enough apply some resist magic, resist fire damage, resist frost damage, etc. on all your.pieces of armor. Be sure to get the perk that allows you to put 2 enchantments on one item.
Jun 11, 2004
Finally got bored with this shit, got my full set of enchanted deadric armor so,thought I'd call it quits (dragon armor actually looks kinda gay) Now I'm finishing Old World Blues gettin all the upgrades for the sink lol. I hope the new dlc is on par with OWB or shivering isles.
Jun 24, 2005
Finally got bored with this shit, got my full set of enchanted deadric armor so,thought I'd call it quits (dragon armor actually looks kinda gay) Now I'm finishing Old World Blues gettin all the upgrades for the sink lol. I hope the new dlc is on par with OWB or shivering isles.
I almost feel like you're mocking me, only because that's exactly what I did lol.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
level 38 now, im starting to make big money i got like 30,000 gold lol, and it just stacks higher and higher. im glad i started enchanting all the gear i find. ill just pick up every single item i come across, then pile it all up at the beginning of a dungeon or whatever, then when i clear it out ill pick it all up, leave, hop on my horse and fast travel back to town, enchant it all then sell it for like 20 times as much as i normally would get.

i looked at my quest thing it said ive done like 100 miscellaneous quests, like 5 side quests, and like 15 main quests or something like that. im planning on doing all the quests i possibly can before finishing the main storyline. i know a lot of people do that and then they are disappointed cause it was so easy to beat but ill enjoy it, lol


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
i think when i get home ill join the imperials and try and finish that quest line, if i have enough time. ulfric seems like an arrogant punk, plus he kind of cheated when he killed the emperor or something. people keep saying he shouted him to death. whenever a random NPC challenges me to a brawl or one on one fight i dont use shouts or magic or anything like that, just 1v1 fighting, ulfric straight cheated like a little punk lol. plus fuck the thalmor; i read that little thalmor dossier after you do that one quest and it made it seem like itd be a good thing for the imperials to win and strengthen the cities again

i want to get ahold of ulfric and throw some shouts his way, then take him out and stop this little rebellion for good


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
anybody ever have dragons rip through a town and kill the NPC's? do they ever come back? lol

riverwood got attacked by a blood dragon, it killed that blacksmith dude Alvor's wife and a couple guards. stupid dragon wouldnt stop landing on the roofs and fight me head up. then i just went to riverwood yesterday and a elder dragon showed up and fucked up the guards and killed alvor too. i thought alvor was cool he gave me some gear like within the first half hour of me playing the game, got my blacksmithing career started up. told me i could take anything i wanted from his house and was a cool NPC, now hes dead and i already saved it lol.

i was in solitude and it got attacked by a dragon too, but no npcs died.
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
Yeah NPCs who get killed by a dragon never respawn. Alvor got killed in my game from a dragon too. But I didn't care because he sent out a group of hired thugs to kill me because I stole some ore from him lol.
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
anybody ever have dragons rip through a town and kill the NPC's? do they ever come back? lol

riverwood got attacked by a blood dragon, it killed that blacksmith dude Alvor's wife and a couple guards. stupid dragon wouldnt stop landing on the roofs and fight me head up. then i just went to riverwood yesterday and a elder dragon showed up and fucked up the guards and killed alvor too. i thought alvor was cool he gave me some gear like within the first half hour of me playing the game, got my blacksmithing career started up. told me i could take anything i wanted from his house and was a cool NPC, now hes dead and i already saved it lol.

i was in solitude and it got attacked by a dragon too, but no npcs died.
if you use the dragonrend shout as often as possible they will stay on the ground. but you may not have learned that yet if you havent done much of the main quest


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Yeah NPCs who get killed by a dragon never respawn. Alvor got killed in my game from a dragon too. But I didn't care because he sent out a group of hired thugs to kill me because I stole some ore from him lol.
i dont have a dragonrend shout

i havent really seen any thugs except right in the beginning of the game. i stole a bunch of leeks and wheat and shit from one of the farms right by whiterun, and the chick who owned the farm sent 4 thugs after me. they killed me twice cause i was still hella weak and i had to keep reloading, finally i killed them and read the note that said to teach me a lesson lol

anyway, level 39 now, 62 hours playtime, ive been working on these imperial quests against the storm cloaks. just made myself a set of daedric armor, my armor rating is like 900 now lol. my weapon damage is 236. i cant believe ive been running around this whole entire time without upgrading my bow.. upgraded my ebony bow from 29 damage to 69 damage just by using an ebony ingot... shoulda did that like 30 hours ago lol.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
lol how did you get your armor skill to 900?

does anyone know if you can get a new wife after you killed the old one?

and why no patch for ps3 yet?

my heavy armor skill is 70 and i have perks: +25% for a full set of matching armor, juggernaut, i think its at add +60% or +80% to heavy armor, well fitted: +25% for wearing all heavy armor

then i made some leather gloves and a leather chest enchanted with +19% to smithing (improve weapons and armor), and a necklace and a ring with +23% to smithing

so +84% to improving armor, plus i drank a potion of blacksmithing that gave me +20% to improving armor, +104% total, then i improved all the armor and made it legendary while i had all that stuff equipped and the potions drank lol, + 100 smithing and the daedric armor perk makes you able to improve it twice as strong

= my armor went from like 600 something with a full set of dragon armor to 900 with a full set of daedric


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
lol how did you get your armor skill to 900?

does anyone know if you can get a new wife after you killed the old one?

and why no patch for ps3 yet?
i was thinking about murdering aela after i finish up all the companion quests, cause that bitch told me she opened a store cause she was bored, and i looked at the items she was selling and she was selling her wedding ring as one of the items, stupid bitch lol

after i kill her and destroy my wedding ring ill let you know how it goes


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
today ulfric will die lol... well depending on how much longer i have to go in this quest line, but im pretty sure ill finish it today. im at the quest right after you "reclaim the pale" or whatever it is

did anybody think those quests are hilarious how it has a % of enemies killed, with a ton of npcs running around killing each other? the stupid imperials kept running in front of me so id just hack through them as i was killing the storm cloaks as well. thats waht they get for standing in front of me, and thats why i never run around with a companion. annoying assholes get in the way.

speaking of annoying assholes, i got this sweet horse named "Frost" but that stupid ass horse is always trying to get itself killed by charging into battle, then i wont be able to find it for like 5 minutes afterwards. they need to add a horse icon on the map so you can find your horse real fast, that shit is annoying, especially after a draon fight when youre over-encumbered and cant run around to find the horse, cant fast travel anywhere. hella annoying