What movie did you just watch and what did you think?

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Jefe De Los Pollos
Aug 12, 2005

30 minutes or less

Danny McBride basically played his Kenny Powers character through the whole movie, except less funny. Nick Swardson was pretty useless in this movie. He added nothing funny and could have been played by anyone. Aziz Ansari said like one funny thing in the whole movie. Jesse Eisenberg was unfunny, but was supposed to be the straight man - nothing lost/nothing gained. Michael Peña - not his best role, but not much room for any better than he did. Over all this movie pretty much sucked and had 5 or less moments that made me chuckle. Unfunny, lacked creativity, pretty much nothing of redeeming value here. The highlight was probably some nice tiddies in a strip club scene.

1 out of 5

what 4 real? i thought this movie was funny as fuck.. i guess i got a bad sense of humor
Mar 18, 2003
What are everyone's thoughts on Suicide Kings?

Not saying the movie was great or anything, but I've watched it twice with two contrasting takes/opinions on it's overall quality. So I'm curious what everyone else thought of this 15 year old movie.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
watched Dog Eat Dog on netflix last night. It's a dark crime film in Colombia. Worth watching, I give it a 7/10.

watched this based on your recommendation; i thought it was pretty good. its not perfect by any means, it is what it is. one thing that really glares at me are the constant phone calls, i think it was a little too over the top and made the ending pretty predictable. maybe 2-4 phone calls to build up the suspense would have been nice, but after like the sixth 7th calls it made the ending pretty obvious lol. i still thought it was a good movie to watch though, love gritty intense dark crime shit, thanks for the recommendation.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor. However, due to the increasing popularity of Nascimento, the Governor invites him to team-up with the intelligence area of the Secretary of Security. Along the years, Fraga, who is married with Nascimento's former wife, is elected State Representative and Nascimento's son Rafael has issues with his biological father. Meanwhile Nascimento and the BOPE expel the drug dealers from several slums but another enemy arises: the militia led by Major Rocha and supported by the Governor... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
watched "Elite Squad: The Enemy Within"

good movie. its not over the top non-stop action and shootouts and shit, but thats what i liked about it. its much more political and deeper than that, and the movie timeline spaces itself out over several years. reading of subtitles is involved. i recommend you check this one out if you think it looks interesting even a little bit, you wont regret it


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
just read through like half this thread and im convinced coldblooded has something bad to say about any movie there is lol. what movies DO you like cause i havent seen you give any movie above a 3.5/5 out of like 50 movies you reviewd
Nov 14, 2002

I watched this on Netflix the other night. It was under the documentaries section and it was about two kids who plan to shoot up their school. The movie is shot through the main characters camera and they talk about how they plan to shoot their school and explain their motives. I thought this movie was a true story, since it was under the documentaries section,when I first saw it but after reading it on Wikipedia I found out it wasn't real but it really felt like it was. The last 10 min. of the film show the actual shooting of the school and it really bummed me out. Overall I liked the realistic POV approach of this film.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

Watched "Oldboy" on netflix

I remember watching like the first half hour or so a very very long time ago, so it was basically like seeing it for the first time this time around. This movie is pretty amazing as a whole. The subject matter is pretty twisted and disturbed, theres a certain subject involved and for me it didn't make the film more powerful or twisted as much as it made it kind of gross and ridiculous, lol. This netflix version was an english dub and I feel the english dubbing took away from the movie greatly. I've never seen the subtitled version but I can clearly tell that the emotion conveyed through the original language would have made the movie a lot greater, than what was portrayed wiht the english version. I give this english dubbed less kudos, skip it if you can find it in original language with subtitles; i definitely plan to find an original subtitled version and re-watch it. its an awesome amazing movie! if you can handle the disturbed angles in the movie you might add this to your favorite movies of all time list, definitely worth watching.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

Starting off with simple smash and grabs, and petty crime, Lucky Kunene quickly graduates to more aggressive heists such as armed robbery and carjacking. Soon, Lucky realizes he needs a bigger score to fulfill his goals of making it big, and escaping from the slums, to a dream house by the sea. Kunene hatches an elaborate and violent plan to make his fortune - hijacking buildings from landlords of Johannesburg tenements by winning the favor of the tenants and then holding their rent hostage from the landowners. His high-profile real estate acquisitions attract the attention of the local police force who have no qualms about using unprovoked brutality to bring him down. His trouble with the law, coupled with an escalating war between a local drug lord, creates a tense standoff: both sides are closing in, and Kunene must stay one step ahead--or his empire, and his life, will come crashing down. Written by Official Site
watched Gangster's Paradise: Jerusalema

I'm glad i found this movie; it was such a fresh new type of "crime" "gangster" movie if you can even call it that. its much more intellectual and refreshing than your typical "Belly" or "Menace II Society" type movie. definitely glad i saw this movie, i was very impressed with it overall and I strongly recommend people check it out if theyre into violent crime movies at all. Its a violent crime movie yes, but its very unique and refreshing to watch the 'white capitalist' approach to crime thats carried out in the movie. i think theres a line in the movie that was something like "robbing with a gun", but they're "robbing with a gun in one hand, and a brief case in the other". pretty good movie imo, watch it


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

In 1974, a hot-headed 19 year old named Michael Peterson decided he wanted to make a name for himself and so, with a homemade sawn-off shotgun and a head full of dreams he attempted to rob a post office. Swiftly apprehended and originally sentenced to 7 years in jail, Peterson has subsequently been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. During that time, Michael Petersen, the boy, faded away and 'Charles Bronson,' his superstar alter ego, took center stage. Inside the mind of Bronson - a scathing indictment of celebrity culture. Written by Anonymous
watched Bronson

this movie had me and then lost me. theres just too much weirdness in it for me. call me backwards or call me a homophobe or whatever you want but the drag-queens and homosexual men and the male nudity in this movie just killed it for me. the movie would have been far better without it. overall it was pretty over the top and artsy, there were some hilarious parts in it and some stylish stuff that made it a unique movie; and the main actors performance helped me stick with the movie all the way through. i kind of expected a lot more fighting, or maybe a deeper look into the main characters motives and psyche, but it just kind of fell flat in both aspects.
ultimately i wouldn't personally recommend this movie, unless you're a huge fan of Tom Hardy


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

It hadn't even been a year since a plantation owner named Louis had lost his wife in childbirth. Both his wife and the infant died, and now he has lost his will to live. A vampire named Lestat takes a liking to Louis and offers him the chance to become a creature of the night: a vampire. Louis accepts, and Lestat drains Louis' mortal blood and then replaces it with his own, turning Louis into a vampire. Louis must learn from Lestat the ways of the vampire.

watched Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

man what the fuck was i thinking? i remember when i was young people always talked about this movie like it was great, but it was fuckin gay gay gay GAAAAAAAYYYYY. i cant believe i stuck through the whole entire movie, i just kept expecting something great to happen but the ending left me feeling like a retarded gay for watching the whole thing. what the fuck was the whole point of the movie? Brad Pitt just whines the whole goddamned movie, then runs off in a hissy fit at the very end. what the fuck was the whole point of him telling the guy his story in the first place? the entire premise of the movie is fucking stupid. Brad Pitt gave a half-ass performance, Tom Cruise let his natural homosexuality shine brightly throughout the entire movie. Antonio Banderas clearly wanted to bang Brad Pitt in this movie. horrible movie, skip this bullshit


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

watched Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

this movie was pretty dope; its part of the vengeance trilogy (Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance). honestly the first about 40-50 minutes were really really slow to me, boring. after that its like WHAM punch to the gut. this movie is some hard hitting shit, and i was completely on edge. this movie isnt for the faint of heart, this shit is heart wrenching heavy heavy stuff, but it was an amazing movie and i dont regret watching it, and I want to watch it again. the ending left a bitter taste in my mouth, as does any movie that doesnt have a typical feel-good american cinema ending; and i started thinking i didnt really like the movie. but as i lay there in bed trying to go to sleep and i thought about it, and thought about the title of the movie, it just started to finally settle in how deep and how genius this movie is. how you cant really blame any one person for the events that happened in the movie, and how there isnt a clear right or wrong side with any of the main characters. this is a great movie and i strongly recommend it, but just remember its heavy, not anything you want to watch while youre in a super happy mood on a sunny day lol.
Apr 25, 2002
just read through like half this thread and im convinced coldblooded has something bad to say about any movie there is lol. what movies DO you like cause i havent seen you give any movie above a 3.5/5 out of like 50 movies you reviewd
You should try reading the whole thread.

I watch a lot of movies and most movies are not good let alone great. Anything 3 and over is a positive review from me. Also a lot of films that I really enjoy already have a thread of their own so the reviews don't get put in here.
Here are a few that rate 3.5 or higher from just this thread:








Nov 7, 2006

watched Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

man what the fuck was i thinking? i remember when i was young people always talked about this movie like it was great, but it was fuckin gay gay gay GAAAAAAAYYYYY. i cant believe i stuck through the whole entire movie, i just kept expecting something great to happen but the ending left me feeling like a retarded gay for watching the whole thing. what the fuck was the whole point of the movie? Brad Pitt just whines the whole goddamned movie, then runs off in a hissy fit at the very end. what the fuck was the whole point of him telling the guy his story in the first place? the entire premise of the movie is fucking stupid. Brad Pitt gave a half-ass performance, Tom Cruise let his natural homosexuality shine brightly throughout the entire movie. Antonio Banderas clearly wanted to bang Brad Pitt in this movie. horrible movie, skip this bullshit
wow really? i think Interview With a Vampire was a fucking awesome movie. Brad Pitt played the roll he was suppose to play to perfection and same goes for Cruz. what made Tom Cruz so gay in this movie? the fact he'd seduce females and then kill them? IMO this is the best Vampire movie I've scene.... well one of them atleast. you just answered the ending yourself through your rant too. Louie (Brad Pitt) always wanted to express himself to someone and never could. that was his one chance to tell his story knowing Lastat would Kill/Turn him.