The hottest development in history to ever hit the music scene and the internet! Zigg Zagg launches her social network/online music industry. All artists of all genres.. Producers, band and orchestra members, graphic designers, artists... Anyone who is in the music industry at all. Please join our new movement. This is a superstore of music services. If you are looking to feature someone on your new album or looking for a certain type of beat, sound or an album cover to be made, you need to come to Beatswarehouse... If you are looking to sell features, verses, appearances, beats, or any music services, you should join. Its free for a basic registration. We just launched and already have over 200 members. Build your own profile, upload a pic and songs or beats and make your money. We have our own online radio station that will keep your music in constant rotation and Let us promote you.. We have executives like Violet Brown and many other major label VIP's backing up this movement and helping promote so if your looking to break into the industry, this is perfect for you.
Build The Dream with Beatswarehouse at
Zigg Zagg
Build The Dream with Beatswarehouse at
Zigg Zagg