He's this fuckin' australian kid that is such a little bitch, he basically doesn't post anymore because every time he tries he looks like an idiot. Sometimes it's my fault, sometimes it's his own. One day Law posted a story that was like "Some dudes busted into my house and stole all my shit", then Lej0_ is like, "That shit happened to me except my dad did it. Sorry dude."
Then Tech goes to Aus. and he gets his ass handed to him for jumping on the stage. His friend came here, posted like one thing about how Lejo got tossed off the stage in an unfriendly manner and he hasn't been around since, except on a few different names that were immediately nailed as Lejo_Broke.
Do a search for his posts and you'll see what I mean.
So did Drew or VIlle tell you this would be a way to get on my good side?