jesse james:
dumbass tenderfoots
Go wrangle some Injuns, you chap wearin', six shooter, cattle rancher wannabe.
why cant KC have a blackout? nothing exciting ever happens here, except fire shooting out 30 FT in the air downtown, and flying sewer tops
You probably couldn't keep yourself busy for 10 minutes with no power. And exciting? Exciting? Yeah, having every store in the state closed, not being able to get money from an ATM (not that it would matter anyhow) having all your perishable food go bad, and not having power to do anything makes for a very exciting day.
I would be robbing muthafuckas left and right in all black...............
Make sure you take your spurs off otherwise they might hear you comin, partner.
::Zer0:: ("On the Siccness") "Yeah, it wasn't shit, I fucked a few chica's and shit ya know, thought about Lejo_B.R.O.K.E. and shit and wondered what his bitch ass would do in this situation, probably get on the phone and call his abusive daddy crying for him to come and get him, but think twice about it cause he know's his dad will still all of his shit again!
Actually, this is what he'd say:
I hung out on this main street corner watching every day citizens direct traffic... Fuckin' amusing. This one indian dude with a red turban and matching tie comes out of a gas station, and starts helping. LoL. Then eventually some guys passing by in a truck throw out some of those neon orange vests with the glowing green stripes on it... LoL. He couldn't figure out how to put it on so he just kind of threw it on and it was all crooked and backwards and upside down. Yoou should have seen the people in their cars laughing their asses off.
Then I went to my friends place, drank a few beers, smoked a bit and stumbled around town checkin' things out. It was kind of amazing being on what is usually a crowded road, and as far as you can see there's just
no light except for cars headlights.
It was some crazy shit. Then I woke up this morning and shit was still off. I was like "Ok, it was fun for a while, now I don't have shit to do... Fuckin' Canadians."
But all seems well. I just got back from seeing Freddy vs. Jason.