I dont post much on this board ( I read 99% more than I post ) and on the older 91siccness boards I've been the same way. Anyway I've been reading more latley and it seems that the people who come to this board have a more and better knowledge of recording and gear in general than has been the case in the past. Now let me bring up this issue, ok you know gear you can record tracks you can mix etc... etc.... etc... but when it come to applying effects ( Compression, limiting, gating desseing, reverb etc.. ) how much do you really know about them. Do you use the standard presets that come with them or do you really know what makes them up and how to use each individaul componant?? Lets say your using a compressor do you know what "ratio' is and how it relates to actually compressing the sound? Threshold? Gain make up?? I've just been wondering this for awhile now. I've taken many lession's in pro studio's to expand my knowledge of the studio and gear, and I think that for many young cats in the game it will benifit you 100% to do the same. And yes I can use most effects on my own, I hardley ever use presets anymore ( except maybe waves L1 16 bit mastering preset seems to work good on its own ) but at the same time I am limited to vocals for the most part. I'm expanding little by little for guitars drums bass, etc.... Just wondering what ya'll cats know or dont know....