Your bloodline war stories...

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Aug 8, 2003
im sure some of yall got some krazy war stories that have been passed down through the go chronological order...

1)my popz has a great great tio that was one of pancho villas best generals, supposedly, they were like fam... pancho villa would come thru to his place and his sister would make villa breakfast every morning.. well... one night he was supposed to be a look out but instead went too go fuck his lady and didnt return to his post.. villa was forced to kill him and it was said when villa shot him, he had a tear run down his cheek... i had to have some help looking for his pic but thanx to some folx at they were able to find it and send it too me..

2)My grandfather was in WW2 and was at the battle of the rhine river --> (, he was already wounded previously before the battle at the river but he was stitched up and sent back into battle not too long after, but at the river, he was in a fox hole and heard the whistle of an incoming mortar and couldnt get out in time.. he survived but got a piece of shrapnel stuck in his thigh that is still there today..

3)My popz was in vietnam and one night was lost in the pitch black darkness and was wandering about looking for his way back when he heard what sounded like his pops (my grandfather's) voice hollaring his name.... he followed it back to the camp where the voice was and nobody had said they were calling one heard a thing...but one thing he didnt know at the time was that he was only feet away from one of their own booby traps..
Jun 3, 2006
maybe if i had a father growin up,he could have told me sum war stories.....drop that sucka if any of yall find him...
Aug 23, 2005
my pops told me my great grandfather use run with pacho villa...theres a pic of them together in a book at my library...but i cant find the damn book nomore
May 19, 2005
my grandpa was a french troop fighting the germans in WW2
got captured and was in jail for 7 years where he tried to escape i think 5 times,said he saw people eat live rats,and other bash there heads into the walls cause they couldnt take it,well he eventually escaped and trainhopped from germany all the way to southern france with out being spotted,hes got a huge scar from ear to ear that he doesnt talk about,and all i can think about is how he got it,maybee a mock hanging,or he got his neck slit but not all the way,i dunno but its gnarly.

my danish friend told me some crazy story about his grandma,and i guess she jus told the truth about all of it a couple years ago,around WW2 some nazis went to there farm(not sure if this was in denmark or poland)and used it as there sleeping quaters,makin them make food for them,well one of the nazis raped the grandma and she had a kid which ended up being my friends my friends dad found out that his dad wasnt who he thought he was and that his real dad was some high end nazi official,and this was told maybe 60 years later.crazy shit


Sicc OG
Apr 29, 2003
My both grandfathers fought in a Finnish Winter War against the Russians. Both of them were very young at the time.

Russians weren't able to take over the country which was their main goal, even though they outnumbered us 4:1 in men, 100:1 in tanks and 30:1 aircraft. Men were tough sonuvabitches back then, fucking -40 Celsius degrees (-47 in Fahrenheit) and not a good supply of anything and still they were able to hold against the Red Army. Russians had much bigger losses at the end than we did..

Both of them also fought in the Continuation War which was like an aftermath for the Winter War.

I've never had chance to meet my other grandfather as he died before I was born, the other one used to tell a lot of war stories when I was a kid. Though I don't remember much of them coz I was kinda young...
Dec 23, 2005
my great great great great grandfather had a twin brother and back in early 1800's they would run scams and robb hella folks and banks, they were some what well known but they got hung. i dont know the full details but ill find out next time i talk to my tio.
my other great grampa went awol in WW1 lol
on my white side my other great grandpa was a nazi.
then my grandpa was in WW2
Feb 26, 2006
my last name (dinwiddie), was given to my family from gov. dinwiddie during the emancipation of slaves. also, some way i must be related to the washington bloodline cause before emancipation, george washington bought slaves from gov. dinwidde to work in his marijuana farm.
most white dinwiddie's dont know that shit!!