We've seen these "on the scene" interviews with protesters who don't even know who the leader of Iraq is.COMEDY.Caught by surprise from a local television station,and have absolutely no clue of what they are protesting against.These are the people who cause traffic,and cause businesses to lose money due to their gatherings.Dirty women who don't shave their legs,rat haired males who wear 3 fleeces at a time,where hiking boots are manditory.From W.T.O.,to Save The Trees,to Save The Local Roller Rink.This is what they DO!This is their social life!These people can't hold down jobs,or even shave every 6 months.Is this where they find their future lovers?Is their life that pathetic,that they are in need to protest something they have no knowledge of.The fact they all appear the same,has to make you think this is only a social scene.Average Protester Uniform/Drill:
*Hiking Boots-manditory,very Earthy,shows you love nature.
*Fanny Pacs-A must for ink markers,and face make-up
*Beading Necklaces-This is to show their suport of nature(hemp,shells,etc..)
*Yellow Coat(Northface fleece)-Minor!85%wear bright colors to locate themselves later on the News.
*Banner-This is to show you know what is going on.You are an experienced protester,not a newbie!!need atleast 4 under belt.
*Megaphone-You are in control of this gathering.A true loser who has never left the local college,and still takes courses with no future plans of employment.
*Dreadlocks-Proves you are wise!!You are not into american mainstream.You are here to be respected as a scholar.
*Yell Leader-You are agressive.Possibly an ex-cheerleader turned dyke.You have the capability to rhyme Oil with Soil.Bellowing Voice needed.
*Mountain Bike-You are not intersted in using a machine that uses pollutents.You are also showing that you are physically fit,and sharing with your protesting friends that your body is a temple.Yet you don't bathe.
*Locating Protesting Site-You are smart enough to walk into on-coming traffic.What better way to be on the news!!!
:devious: GET A LIFE :devious:
Props to protesters who actually believe in what they are doing.
*Hiking Boots-manditory,very Earthy,shows you love nature.
*Fanny Pacs-A must for ink markers,and face make-up
*Beading Necklaces-This is to show their suport of nature(hemp,shells,etc..)
*Yellow Coat(Northface fleece)-Minor!85%wear bright colors to locate themselves later on the News.
*Banner-This is to show you know what is going on.You are an experienced protester,not a newbie!!need atleast 4 under belt.
*Megaphone-You are in control of this gathering.A true loser who has never left the local college,and still takes courses with no future plans of employment.
*Dreadlocks-Proves you are wise!!You are not into american mainstream.You are here to be respected as a scholar.
*Yell Leader-You are agressive.Possibly an ex-cheerleader turned dyke.You have the capability to rhyme Oil with Soil.Bellowing Voice needed.
*Mountain Bike-You are not intersted in using a machine that uses pollutents.You are also showing that you are physically fit,and sharing with your protesting friends that your body is a temple.Yet you don't bathe.
*Locating Protesting Site-You are smart enough to walk into on-coming traffic.What better way to be on the news!!!
:devious: GET A LIFE :devious:
Props to protesters who actually believe in what they are doing.