YOU be a Terrorist: Plant Your Own Bomb

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May 13, 2002
Instead of having a suicide bomber, have a suicide shooter. That's right. Walk into any heavily populated shopping mall with a sheet or blanket covering your tripod and machine gun. Make it look like your a repair man or some shit. Get into the middle of the most crowded section. Place the tripod down and start shooting, 360 degrees. Bodies dropping like flies. Continue shooting until your dead.

"The best terrorist plan I have heard is one that my father thought up after the D.C. snipers created havoc in 2002. The basic idea is to arm 20 terrorists with rifles and cars, and arrange to have them begin shooting randomly at pre-set times all across the country. Big cities, little cities, suburbs, etc. Have them move around a lot. No one will know when and where the next attack will be. The chaos would be unbelievable, especially considering how few resources it would require of the terrorists. It would also be extremely hard to catch these guys."

The people over at Freakonomics are asking people how they would attack if they were terrorists. Check it out.

Random reader quotes:

"is the bush administration out of ideas already?!?"

"|2 terrorists blocking the exits loaded with guns on a crowded Chicago “L” train at rush hour. It would change an enitre city’s way of life"

"I’d require the entire populace to read the New York Times, every day, twice. Within weeks, the nation would be reduced to a bunch of babbling idiots, no one would work, and everyone would expect the Government to feed, house, medicate and clothe them, for starters. This would put such a strain on government resources, it would end up in a anarchy."

"You forgot one goal of the terrorists: to achieve a symbolic victory. The gunman scenario is nowhere near as appealing as the destruction of a national symbol., such as the WTC.

Terrorists who snipe and run may make news if they had a serial-killer-style gimmick, but to be truly respected in America, they would have to be causing massive damage in a single blow, or performing assassinations (which would be very difficult).

Maybe if they each struck a major department store or restaurant, repeatedly until their stocks took a nose-dive, then that could provide a symbolic victory.

But, for Corinne, your plan could backfire. If an attack occurs and a government official says “yeah, we figured that could happen” or “no big deal. Only one in a million chance”, it appears as though they don’t care. I agree with you on the statistical side, but the PR of it would cause problems. "
Jun 19, 2004
That idea your father thought really won't work maybe 99.8% chance, you'd have too many people involved so something would bound to leak out some way some how..............
Jul 24, 2007
I guess if I was gonna do some crazy shyt like that.......I'd load a small Thermo-Nuclear device into my car and drive across the Hoover Dam....half way across...well that would be all she wrote.
Jan 9, 2004
Aww, what college students on a school break type about. Well its September and they will all go back to class and sit at their computers all day planning a 'revolution'/'terrorist attack' they dont have the balls to put into effect.