You aint from the hood if...

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Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
You dont know my life.
Yes I do, you were born in Mississippi in 1982. You lived there for the first 5 years of your life then your family moved to Kentucky. It was here that your father and mother started having fights daily and you would hide under your bed and listen to your mom cry as your dad berated her with insults and would throw things at her. They divorced when you were 8 and you and your mother moved out of state again, this time to Ohio. In Ohio, you would meet your best friend Robert and to this day he is someone who's back you will have till the day you die.

Eventually the pain of your parents divorce caused strain on your school life and you dropped out in grade 10 and started doing the marijuana. This led to you using cocaine for the first time and ever since you have been hooked. You ran away from home and lived life on the trains for a while until you ended up in California. You started sniffing spray paint that you would use to tag your name on the walls and eventually came across an internet website called the siccness and have been trolling us ever since.
Apr 5, 2016
Yes I do, you were born in Mississippi in 1982. You lived there for the first 5 years of your life then your family moved to Kentucky. It was here that your father and mother started having fights daily and you would hide under your bed and listen to your mom cry as your dad berated her with insults and would throw things at her. They divorced when you were 8 and you and your mother moved out of state again, this time to Ohio. In Ohio, you would meet your best friend Robert and to this day he is someone who's back you will have till the day you die.

Eventually the pain of your parents divorce caused strain on your school life and you dropped out in grade 10 and started doing the marijuana. This led to you using cocaine for the first time and ever since you have been hooked. You ran away from home and lived life on the trains for a while until you ended up in California. You started sniffing spray paint that you would use to tag your name on the walls and eventually came across an internet website called the siccness and have been trolling us ever since.

Jan 29, 2016
Kansas City, MO

You are not from Kansas City, MO if...
you've never been to Worlds of Fun or Oceans of Fun
you've never eaten barbecue at Gates or Arthur Bryant's
you've never been to Bazooka's, Zigfield's (Totally Nude Temptations), Diamond Joe's or Satin Dolls
you've never been to or purchased music from 7th Heaven, Streetside, Keepin It Real, or Wax Factory
you've never bought your porn from Priscilla's
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