Where to start... Yo Mo.. Are you sure you battled
Necro ? Hes not really the battle type, and hes from NY. White guy with a lisp, talks about death and murdering people.. Produces mad MCs and introduced Non Phixion.. Says "nigga".
Benefit doesn't record on a 5$ Mic anymore. He made his first album on a shitty computer mic and a shitty sound card on his comp. Without a doubt, his album is an underground classic. He has his own label and shit now..
www.indelibleink.com is his site name...
And D.. you can check his beats up there, try "Soul Explosion"... Sick ass beat. Just Blaze is OK, but I'd go nuts if I had to live with the fact I made "Oh Boy".. Cam'rons wack.. he'll blam you wit them blammers tho..