For all those who don't know. XPLOSIVE Magazine is published every 3 months. We press up 40,000 copies on each issue. We have been giving the magazine away for free for the first 3 years. Now we are selling it for $3.00. We now have the support from retailers for this, expect to see XPLOSIVE Magazine at all Rasputin's and your local Tower, and Sam Goody. We distribute to California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Michigan, Missouri, Texas, Louisianna, New York, and Florida. We grow every issue, we never have magazines left over, and we get nothing but respect every time out!! We will be the #1 Magazine in Northern California when this issue drops. We plan to be the #1 Magazine in California, then the West Coast. We all have seen Magazines who support our music, come and go, others reach their peak, or have reached their peak, we hav'nt!! We have more room to grow, more respect to gain, more pages to fill. We truly are the peoples magazine, why, because anyone can get in, it only takes money when your just starting out. I can assist you in your business ventures, I want to see artists from The Bay Area, Sacramento, San Diego, L.A., succeed!! 99 % of us won't ever be as big as Jay-Z, but it doesn't mean you can't eat of this rap industry. That's why we only charge $700.00 for a full page ad, $400.00 for a half page, $250.00 for a quarter page. We even do a third of a page for $300.00. People do business with us beacause you won't get an interview in any other magazine off top. We let you speak on it. We are all out there hustling. So we recognize your hustle, and let you pay for your promotion. The industry I work in is filled with new artists, veteran artists, platinum artists, Ghetto Gold artists (100K) and cats that sell 1 to 2 thousand units just to keep grinding. Longevity is the key, so expect to see XPLOSIVE Magazine as long as you the artist needs us. And Yes we do an interview with you if you buy a full page ad. We won't be doing this forever, but now is the time the industry heard our voices. WESTSIIIDE!! It's not where your from, it's where your at.....