I just wanted to keep people up to date and explain what is going on. I shouldnt have to do this at all because the point of the website is to update the fans but thats the way shit goes. Basically, first i want to apologize to the fans for not having all the content up by now and not having it updated weekly like it is supposed to be. I have 3 weeks (16 pages) of diary entries from X sitting on my desk as we speak and will probably be getting another before they are all finally up. There is no excuse. I dont want to disrespect anybody by stating my opinion on the situation, I will deal with that with the old web designer personally once he can communicate with people again. Point is we have a new web designer, and the site will be resumed and updated within the week, and frequently until caught up and finished. Im not gonna lie, im fuckin pissed with the previous scenario but people get what they earn. The new designer is good and should be a good edition to the Gangway team. He is the same cat that designed and runs orakle.com with tre-8. So expect updates and shit to be happening in about a week on the site. No goatmouth on mines(Pac's homies and die hard fans know what that means). It don't stop, we gonna keep it movin. ill holla bacc when its all up. one love....