nbpsfc said:
one question though how does it work? do they have scheduled events, or can you chose what you wanna watch?
I just found it on the box...
Its VOD. they have a selection of programming you can watch each month at your choice.
You can watch up to three previous ppvs (2 summerslams from the 90s and this past Judgement day- that made me mad)
Then they got some other 3 hr shows... honestly Im kind of hesitant now.
I just might have to stick with the 24/7 on their site. THat atleast has everything archived (at least what theyve relesed since its inception 18 mos ago) and even though there is a lot of garbage on it, you can just not click the link and just go straight to a better match not having to sit through a whole event.
... also 24/7 on the wwe site is cheaper at $40s a year with somewhat limited selection compared to digital cable for $96s a year with an EXREMLY limited selection. maybe itll grow. but thats my review.