Wrestling Industry Websites Are Bogus As Fuck...

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Nov 14, 2002
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:37 PM, vvv vvv <[email protected]> wrote:
> I've been letting this kid slide on his comments for months now. Usually I
> wouldn't bother you with asking if it's OK to ban someone but I am 100%
> positive if I banned this kid, he'd email you complaining about me being
> some sort of "mark" for "the WWPGE Universe." Every single day, he picks
> fights with anyone who has anything good to say about WWE, or anything bad
> to say about TNA. It's beyond aggravating not only to me, but other regular
> users of the comment board. It doesn't matter what the topic of the article
> is, it ALWAYS turns into WWE being PG...
> He's very clever about it, too. He consistently calls WWE fans "members of
> the WWPGE Universe". While not using profanity or outright name calling, he
> is CLEARLY talking down to people. If you look at his posting history
> you'll see exactly what I mean.
> If not an outright ban, can I at least set it so his posts have to be
> approved? I'm tired of having to moderate this persons messages every single
> day, in every single article. I should also mention that he accounts for a
> good percentage of our flagged comments also, and it's a terribly time
> consuming process to clear those out if you're not on top of it 24/7.
> Anyhow, hope all is going well...
> Tom
From: Raj Giri <[email protected]>
To: vvv vvv <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 1:22:06 PM
Subject: Re: Creature_of_the_Night ([email protected])

No, just leave him since he's not really breaking the rules.

Also, can you create a different login when you are participating in
debates? I've received a couple of complaints over the last couple of
weeks. Mods should be impartial, so it would probably be best to have
a separate login.

Also, if you make posts taking digs at stories on the site, use your
other login for those as well. It doesn't look good to have a mod make
fun of an article, etc. when you are part of the team.

Hope everything else is going well, thanks!

- Raj
What "team" is it that I'm a part of? You've never backed me on anything, and Mr. Ryan Clark's articles are spammed across the entire internet on every wrestling site that exists, including AT LEAST ONE that had Miley Cyrus jailbait pics. Maybe the problem lies in the reports and not the replies.

Also, if you consider that kid to not be breaking the rules, then you obviously don't mind him baiting people (trolling) on a daily basis. Aside from him, there's almost nobody on the site looking to argue for any extended period of time. The kid/guy/user constantly changes subjects... The news article could be about something as simple as time slots, and he manages to work in a "what should change is WWE's PG policy" comment that turns the whole thing upside down. What's the point of having a "flag comment" option if I have to approve all of them anyhow? It would save everyone a ton of time if you could just turn that off.

I have to be honest, when I asked if I could help, I didn't know that meant you wanted me to also STFU. Just as Creature_of_the_Night is following the rules, so am I. I haven't used foul language, I haven't used sexual innuendo, etc.... So if he's in the clear I don't see why I'm not. It bothers you more that I leave a negative comment in the "comments" section about an article, but you don't mind Ryan Clark calling Rosa Mendez's spanish promo "rambling"??? That is blatant racism, which you link to on your front page, for all to see.

On top of that, sir... I have to watch not only my own language, but others language as a moderator, when your site is posting up links to sex tapes? You're posting up links to amateur hardcore pornography and telling me that I shouldn't argue with kids about wrestling or critique a story?


I first asked you if I could help moderate because of the large amount of negative responses regarding Ryan Clark flooding the comments section. It's easy to see that not only did I manage to take care of that in only about a week, but he brought it about himself in the first place. After reading every article of his for the past few months I see that he does it on purpose. He has a clear agenda when it comes to certain issues, and he doesn't mind posting up what he knows to be false information, then re-posting it a day later, and then if you're lucky, he'll retract it a week later, and most likely with a snarky opinionated comment to close.

If you want your comment section to remain a place where people just argue like little children over "WWPGE" and "TNGAY" then that's up to you. I'm old enough to use an ad-blocker so I don't have to click through nonsense to read your site's "articles". If linking to pornography, false reports, and childish banter is what is bringing in revenue, then more power to you. If I'm not trusted enough to make decisions as simple as "ban troll from message board", then I don't see why you'd trust me to be a part of your "team" in the first place.

Nov 14, 2002
A message sent to Ryan Clark a few months ago that was never answered:
Dear Mr. Clark,

I posted a response to your "The 'Uncensored' Hulk Hogan-Def Jam Video + My Thoughts" article which you ended by saying;

"This is just my personal opinion but something doesn't seem normal about a father flashing his underwear in front of his daughter. It also doesn't seem normal for a father to rub tanning lotion on his daughters a-- on the beach several years ago. It just seems WEIRD to me but whatever works. Everyone is different in their own ways!"

It's wonderful that you have a public outlet with which to vent your "personal opinions." It's also great that some of the visitors to Wrestlinginc.com also have somewhat of the same "freedom" to express themselves in the comments section, provided that the comments have little to no negative comments towards YOU. I know this because I moderate that comments section, and on a daily basis I delete abusive comments towards you and your opinions.

As a matter of fact sir, the reason I contacted Raj to ask about becoming a moderator of that section of the site was due to the MASSIVE amounts of comments towards you completely cluttering the section itself. I've managed to clean it up by banning people who did nothing but give you grief, and take a bunch of the heat off of you by being the "bad guy" people can complain about.

With that being said, I take a special interest when you choose to post your "opinions" in news articles because I am one of the two or so people there who clean up the mess, when people who (I believe justifiably so in some cases) question why a person with the responsibility of reporting news throws little quips into the articles. After all, the site does list you as a "News Reporter." For the most part, I tell people that if they don't like it they can choose to visit one of the million other wrestling websites that litter the internet. Today however, I've had one of my own responses to you "unapproved" by someone from the site. Today I was moderated for replying to an article that was posted solely for the fact that you wanted to give your opinion. The title of the article made that clear. Here is what I had posted:

"Ryan, you realize that there are fathers out there, that walk around the house in nothing but their underwear, right? Look at this girls life. She grew up with money, she's been involved in television and music, and currently lives a very happy life and appears to have a very good relationship with her father.

You know what you SHOULD find strange? The absentee fathers, the drug addicted fathers, the physically/sexually/mentally abusive fathers, the alcoholic fathers, etc. I don't find it extremely suspicious when I'm watching a father have a good time playing a video game with his clearly very entertained and loving adult daughter.

If you want to stand up all of a sudden with some sort of "message" about parenting in wrestling, then write about Jake the Snake, Chris Benoit, etc. Also, do you have a daughter? I'm not trying to be insulting or provocative when I ask that. I don't really know about you and I'm trying to figure out where you're coming from. What qualifies you to critique the parenting of a highly successful man who has provided more than enough for his children since the day they were born?

You make it sound like he's a drunkard who stumbled around with his genitals in hand, waving at his daughters face, when in actuality she couldn't have even seen what was going on even if he DID flash the camera, which he DIDN'T in the first place. I don't understand the motivation behind carrying on with something that's been debunked unless you're angry that you were tricked into reporting something that was untrue because you decided to jump the gun before you knew the facts.

Not to mention, we've all seen this guy wrestle other guys in his underwear anyhow. Why would she care? There's hours upon hours of video of him wearing even less that we all GREW UP WATCHING. Do you find that disturbing as well?"

If you see anything inappropriate about that post you can feel free to let me know. Chances are, that you'd have never seen it in the first place as I'm sure you never check that section of the website anyhow. It's my belief that the comment was not "appropriate" for the website because it contained valid points calling your "reporting" into question. There seem to be a lot of comments that aren't so well thought out that don't seem to garner much attention from the powers that be at the website. The "Fukc you Ry@n Cl@rk, your reports suck" messages for some reason have to be handled by me.

My question to you is simply, why is it that you as a "reporter" on this website feel you can post your opinions so freely without being responded to accordingly? Do you purposefully post certain comments to get under the skin of regular viewers of the site? Why do you think it is that my comment was deleted whereas so many less thought out and much more vulgar comments towards you are not? Any opinions or thought on the subject would be greatly appreciated, sir.

I'm looking forward to your reply,

Jun 9, 2007
Not to mention, we've all seen this guy wrestle other guys in his underwear anyhow. Why would she care? There's hours upon hours of video of him wearing even less that we all GREW UP WATCHING. Do you find that disturbing as well?"

I doubt they're paying you to moderate.. so basically you have two choices: continue being their assclown and doing as you're told, or start taking things into your own hands and if they can't take it, tell 'em to fuck off.

Common sense and reason never prevails in wrestling, and certainly doesn't prevail on wrestling sites.. I think you're finding that out the hard way, but I salute you for fighting back.
Oct 3, 2006
Nice. I don't even bother commenting at any of the wrestling sites I visit anymore, it's just not worth it.
the Wrestlezone.com forum is fuckin wack as fuck, those fools are so damn strict with their shit, I got banned for posting a 1 sentence response. They basically want the who, what, where,when,why type of shit. At least that's how it was when i first tried to frequent that board. So they can all fuck themselves, this is the only board i use to talk shit about TNA and not get banned lmao.