wouldnt it be nice to see

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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
rush limbaugh carted off to jail?

dont get me wrong, i like rush's show even though i think hes a blowhard for the gop. but when people in high places like that (celebrities, cops, teachers, ceo's, etc..) fuck up and do something they criticize so vehemently, they usually get an easier way out of it than joe schmoe. people in positions of influence, power, and money need to be held DOUBLY accountable for their actions. just for his position on drug users and locking them up should send him up the river for a few years. but its usually the other way around. sad. i love rushs show but he needs to take a few years off for vacation in the pen. we'll see how ultra conservative he is after that experience.


wtf?!!? This bullshit reads like a typical Blight rambler...gayest thread ever.

Dec 18, 2002
i think itd be tight for conservatives to be throwin in prison for awhile and see how/if they change, not just rush. i wonder wat would happen to mclean...(insert jokes here)
Sep 23, 2002
it would be something i'd be interested in seeing. but wit the script flipped how can you be sure it will make a difference?
and who says he could handle it? he might off himself once put in that position


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
not all conservatives are bible thumping racists asswipe. just like not all liberals are faggots and child molesters.
Apr 25, 2002
I dont believe in sending drug addicts to prison.
They need treatment to get rid of their problem, jail's not gonna help.
But I agree, Rush is a biggot and a hypocrite. But that shit doesnt matter when it comes to addiction, everyone deserves the same treatment.
May 8, 2002
phil said:
rush limbaugh carted off to jail?

dont get me wrong, i like rush's show even though i think hes a blowhard for the gop. but when people in high places like that (celebrities, cops, teachers, ceo's, etc..) fuck up and do something they criticize so vehemently, they usually get an easier way out of it than joe schmoe. people in positions of influence, power, and money need to be held DOUBLY accountable for their actions. just for his position on drug users and locking them up should send him up the river for a few years. but its usually the other way around. sad. i love rushs show but he needs to take a few years off for vacation in the pen. we'll see how ultra conservative he is after that experience.
Point #1: there is a difference between getting addicted to a drug that got prescribed to you by your doctor to treat intense pain as a result of bothced operations and drugs obtained for for no other reason then for to get high.

krishna said:
I dont believe in sending drug addicts to prison.
They need treatment to get rid of their problem, jail's not gonna help.
Point#2: neither do I. and i dont believe that addicts are being sent off by the thousands off to prisons especially on the 1st offense, but once it get to where a person fails out of rehab and gets caught multiple times for drugs then thats when a line has to be drawn and one must say this person needs to be incarcedrated

KrypticFlowz said:
i think itd be tight for conservatives to be throwin in prison for awhile and see how/if they change, not just rush.
Point #3: well lets see how Rush responds to treatment compared to some other liberals like say Robert Downey for example?
May 8, 2002

Let's end the drug war
Posted: October 14, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

Last Friday night, I shared the hot seats on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country" with Ann Coulter and a thoroughly gleeful Lisa Bloom of Court TV. I couldn't see Lisa's face while we were doing the show. I was sitting in a studio cavern in Orlando, Fla., staring at a camera.

I could, though, hear the excitement in her voice as she explored the possibility of Rush acquiring his pain pills through interstate commerce, thereby exposing himself to a lengthy prison sentence if the feds should decide to prosecute. Listening to Lisa you would have thought that someone had just given her a new puppy.

I was so stunned by Lisa's apparent delight at Limbaugh's difficulties that I was driven to explore the Internet for the scoop on this Court TV midday anchor. I learned that she is quite proud of her lawsuit against the Boy Scouts on behalf of a girl they didn't allow to join. Serious stuff, that. She also sued a chain of strip clubs on behalf of waitresses who didn't want to wear sexy clothing.

What's next? A lawsuit on behalf of Waffle House cooks who don't want to wear those little paper hats? I also discovered that she's Gloria Allred's daughter, so she comes by all of this quite honestly.

Well ... so much for the grand compassion of the left. We need periodic reminders that liberals really only show their compassion by spending someone else's money. The revelations of Rush Limbaugh's drug addiction have served us well in this regard.

There's no way I can hear every single word uttered by every liberal on this issue, but, thus far, the only left-winger I've heard express any compassion for Limbaugh and his travails is Alan Colmes. On the other side, we have people like Al Franken, John Kerry and scores of others showing far too much of their backsides whenever they manage to draw a crowd.

Some of Rush's harsher critics have been drawing comparisons to street heroin addicts. This might be accurate if street heroin users actually began their drug adventure with prescriptions from their doctors. Somehow, I don't think it works that way.

For quite a few years now, I've been taking heat for my stance on the war on drugs. In short, I'm against it. I want it ended. Yes, I want drugs legalized, and I want our government to stop locking up people for the mere possession or use of a drug the government doesn't think you should possess or use. Does this mean I'm in favor of drug use? No, absolutely not. But if someone does decide to smoke some weed or pop a few pain pills, it in no way violates my right to life, liberty or property – or anyone else's, for that matter.

As you read this, Rush Limbaugh is in a treatment program for his addiction. This is as it should be. The Rand Corporation recently sought the most effective way to reduce cocaine use in this country by 1 percent – just 1 percent. The study showed the most cost effective way to accomplish this 1-percent goal would be through treatment alone. The most expensive way would be through criminal sanctions and foreign country interdiction, the way Washington is approaching the problem today.

What is our goal here? Do we want to punish people who haven't lived their lives quite as perfectly as we have, or do we want to reduce the usage of these drugs and help those who become hooked?

I have a question for you drug-war stalwarts out there. You've been calling my show for years to tell me that the only way we're going to stop this epidemic of illegal-drug use – and the violence that goes with it – is to jam the users and the dealer in jail for a long, long time.

Well, now it's your call – it's time to step forward. What do you want for Rush Limbaugh? If the stories are to be believed, he's been illegally purchasing prescription painkillers on the black market. Federal law says you go to jail for this for many years, with no possibility of parole. Are you now willing to stand by that law? If Rush Limbaugh – this man you and I admire so much – has actually done the things the media is so enjoying telling us about, do you want him to go to jail? No parole? Ahhhhh. Things look just a little different to you now, don't they?

I pray that Rush's treatments will be successful, and that he returns to the airwaves soon. I know that there are liberals who share that sentiment, but I also know that there are many who take great joy in his situation.

In the meantime, let the drug-legalization debate begin anew. Many of those on the "jam-them-in-jail" side might have some second thoughts they would like to share with us.
Neal Boortz is an author and nationally syndicated libertarian talk-show host.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i dont think anyone should be locked up for drug use but rush has it coming as compassionate as he is to drug dealers and users alike. i dont go for the "but its the doctors fault for prescribing them" thing. if bill clinton had used a line like that rush limbaugh would eat it up. send em up the river.
Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
once it get to where a person fails out of rehab and gets caught multiple times for drugs then thats when a line has to be drawn and one must say this person needs to be incarcedrated
But if a person doesnt respond to rehabilitation and they continue to use the drug despite all of the negative consequences its having on them, doesnt that prove that the drug has in a sense taken over them?
its been shown that heavy drug use changes the way our brains function. a person shouldnt be labeled a criminal because they can no longer control their appetite for a drug. what good is putting them in prison going to do for anyone?