check it outt ya'll it waz ju$t a question i asked i didnt mean to make an i$$ue outt of it thanx for tha luv tho damn fo $ho that$ tight!!, enewayz graciaz for an$werin my que$tion itz just a lil confu$in to tell $ometimez. Tone puttz it down tho hez tight, $o are the youngstaz on the new NE6 az well az the re$t of you but im really feelin how there $hinnin, we gott a handfull of young$ta with alott of talent workin with uz right now puttin down trackz in tha $tudio and givin it their all, it$ a good feelin to $ee them workin at makin $omethin good happen in their livez, que no? enewayz im outt much love thanx. OH YEAH AND JU$T $O YA'LL KNOW I'M A HYNA NOT A HOMEBOY..LOL.. I KNOW I TALK LIKE ONE THOUGH AT T!MEZ. lol peace.