^^ I think Big Tone will release stuff like that ... It would be kinda sad after the long road we took with East Co Co Records to have just "Matter of Time & the little part in Smiggs DVD" ... It`s really sad cuz` you know , i really feel like Woodie gave us more than "we deserve" don`t get me wrong it`s no fuckin dickridin` or whatever you wanna call it... But you know , he`s a fuckin` Legend for a Reason - and the Reason was he was allways 100 % Solid in everythin he gave to us... He allways showed Respect to his fans and never released some 70-80% shit. He allways made sure he release some bomb ass Music... So it`s a shame that he had to stuggle that much sellin` a Blackberry and whatnot here, to feed his dogs. While other Motherfuckers just talk about thizz this and thizz that, just to get more dollars...