Women: To Wait? or Move On?

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Nov 10, 2004
As you all know from the marriage post a while back that Wifey left me back in May. Since then, well maybe within the last 2 months or so, I met this woman in a chat room. She is a very smart girl, I mean nerdy smart. Genius IQ of 194, with a bachelor's in Chemical Engineering with a double minor in Microbiology and Botany, Fine as hell too!!! Anyway, she came down to meet me a month ago, and we kicked it like donkeys. She is one of those no sex til after 3 dates women. I mean we already had been talking all day everyday for a couple weeks on YIM so I know quite a bit about her as she does about me. She lives 2hrs away in a little town of like 5,000 people. So after she spent the night, she invited me to spend the rest of the weekend with her at her house 2hrs. away. She is a bartender at the local moose lodge in her town so I hung out there while she had to work. We talked and when it was time to go, we went home and I held her while she slept. Now by this time I'm already starting to have some feelings for her but am too scared to tell her how I feel. The next morning, I got up cuz her 14 mo. old twin boys were crying and she was tired but went to get up to tend to them and I told her to lay down and get some sleep. Meanwhile I played with them, changed them, fed them, and bathed them because it reminded me of taking care of my son who I haven't seen since August. I ended up making them some bottles and laid them down for a nap around noon. I climb back in bed with her and hold her and she scoots over and puts her head on my chest and passes out. We wake up again around 2 and get the boys up and take them to her mom's cuz she had to be to work at 4. I stayed at her house for a while listening to her music and getting a feel for what taste she had and I swear to god her music library on her computer looks exactly like mine at home. I ended up walking down the moose lodge and having a couple of drinks and talking to her about stuff. Quitting time came around and we left and picked up the kids and took them home and laid them down for bed. Then we go to her room and she jumps in the shower while I'm listening to music. She gets out and we start talking about expectations again and she tells me not to expect anything from her cuz she doesn't want to be in a relationship, I tell her likewise. I notice that she is wearing some sort of tight booty pants and I say "you have a nice ass." She comes over and sits on my lap and asks how it feels on me. I tell her to stop teasing and she said well tonight was our third date. So I'm all like "hell yeah!" then she asks me to cuddle with her and watch a movie. So we crawl up in the bed and watch the movie. After the movie, I get to massaging her neck and back and such and she starts grinding on me so I know whats about to pop off, but I took it slow like a snail and didn't go straight for the goods. (Mind you I've never taken my time) The rest I'll leave to the imagination. The next day she takes me home as I had to be to work that night. I kiss her goodbye and she says she'll come up the next weekend and spend the night and take me back with her again to her town. Meanwhile during the week my homie Lee, who has been featured on like a whole album of songs with me, Shows up out of the blue and I haven't seen this dude in 2 years. So we kicked it for the rest of the week and she came back up on thursday afternoon. We kick it for the night and the next day I convince Lee to come back to her town with us. We get there and she had to work again so Lee and I kicked it in the Moose Lodge til he got sick of it and we decided to walk around the town. We go into this bar and they having some kind of honky tonk karaoke goin' on and Lee says "you wanna put on a show?" So we go back to my girls car and grab our cd and tell her that we bout to throw down a few blocks away in a bar and she takes off work early to watch us. So Lee and I bust some scripts and had the whole bar jumpin' and bumpin' to our shit. We did like 10 songs and were done, only to be swarmed by all the country groupies and I'm telling yall, ain't nothing like some hot cowgirls. Anyway I grab the mic and call for my girl, cuz I'm getting swarmed and she pulls me through the crowd and tells me that was the coolest thing she ever seen. Then I run back to the mic and spit some freestyle mack shit directly to her and made her cry. Then I say to the rest of the girls that I was taken but my homie Lee was single. Needless to say he took a few of them back to my girl's house and was beating it up down in the basement while I'm beating her up in her bed. LOL. Lee busts in while her legs are on my shoulders with no blanket to hide under and stands next to the bed bitching cuz there ain't more chicks there to run through. I'm like "damn dude! get the **** out or I'm gonna sock you." He says he wants the keys to my girls car so he can take the chicks home and go back to pick up more talent. So I through him the keys and tell him peace and go back to my bizness. He comes back within 5 min. with a new chick busts in the room again and I'm still beating it up and he introduces her to my girl and I. I'm like WTF? Man GET THE **** OUT!!!!
Then I finish my bit and she passes out in my arms. The next day, Lee comes up stairs and starts talking about how him and the new girl are made for each other but don't want to rush into anything. Later on My girl takes us home and she drops me off at work. I went home in the morning when I got off and Lee is still on the phone with the same groupie. LOL. He tells me that she is gonna be up here tonight after she gets off work to pick him up and take him to a town 4 hrs. away to where she lives. So I'm like "handle yo bizness bro."
The following day I call my girl and she says that she won't be able to come down the following weekend cuz she had plans to go to a football game. So I didn't see her for 2 whole weeks. Meanwhile we on YIM for 6 hours a day and she telling me she loves me and I'm telling her likewise cuz I honestly do. We made a plan for her to come up this last week on thur. morning, when she got of work at 2 am, she drove 2hrs. to go to sleep in my bed and she was there when I got off work at 6:30am. So she puts the almighty whammy on me and we got up and took a drive on Casper Mountain. We go up to look out point where she has never been before and she can see her town from there. Then we went to the store and she made me the best meal I've had since livin' with my mom, then takes me to the room for another WHAMMY!!! Then we finish and she gets a phone call from her cousin' trippin' cuz the landlord put an eviction notice on her door. So my girl tells me that she has to cut our weekend short and has to leave first thing in the morning. We played Rummy that night til 2 in the morning, then she puts yet another WHAMMY on me and we sleep in till 11am. She wakes up and is like "shit, I'm late," and is out the door within 10 min. I hug her and she starts crying, and I start crying, and we both say how much we love each other, then she leaves. I go inside get on the computer and start listening to "Bubbly" by Cobie Caillat, which isn't even my style but it's OUR song. I eventually went back to bed cuz I'm sad and teary cuz she is gone. She finally calls me again tonight and says that her ex who the twins are from is begging for her back after he cheated on her back in April and kicked her out. She tells me that she loves me, but has 4 years and 2 kids invested in him and has only known me for 2 mo. She said that if I love her to give her time to figure out what she is gonna do. Now, I feel as if I've been kicked in the gut by a horse again. I just spent 4 of the best weeks of my life with this woman, poured my heart to her, and even told her she is my best friend cuz seriously she is. She says she is torn, but I know who she is gonna pick. My 2 mo. versus his 4 years and 2 kids doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. On top of that my homie Lee has been with the Groupie since the show, and now she says she's pregnant and she already has 5 kids. LOL NO JOKE!!! I'm not really laughing right now cuz I really have feelings for this woman. So what I'm asking is, what would yall do? Wait? or Move On?


Dec 9, 2005
I got about 3 sentences in this before I gave up reading it.

My advice to you is just do whatever the fuck you wanna do
Nov 10, 2004
If I do what I wanna do, I'll wait. but I really don't want to get more involved and get hurt again if she decides to take him back. I feel for her as I just got out of a relationship like that and get this, now my wife is begging for me back but after experiencing this woman, HELL NO! and I have 4 years and 1 child with her and I'm still married to her.
Apr 13, 2007
lol well atleast ur honest about ur feelings. well umm i really cant tell u wut i think u should do because i dont know the girl personally like u do so i dont know wut shes like. but if i was in ur position i wouldnt get attatched and id probably move on.
Nov 10, 2004
yeah that's what my gut is telling me, but my heart is saying wait. I think I'll spite my heart to satisfy my gut.
Apr 13, 2007
lol yea i mean the baby daddy might fuck up again and shell leave him but wut u gonna do when he comes back around again. sounds like she aint learned her lesson yet.
Nov 10, 2004
Yeah I know she hasn't. I told her about my ex and how she cheated on me twice and I married her thinking it was best for the kids and now she left my step sons with their dad and took my son 1000 miles away and I haven't seen him in over 2 mo. Still she thinks if he was to come back to her then she would do it for the kids and I'm like doing it for the kids is the wrong reason cuz if he don't love you, he'll do it again, and again.
Apr 13, 2007
yeap.. but sadly most females dont c that. my mom did that with my dad. stayed with em cause she thought it was best. turned out he wasnt even a good dad. we woulda been better off not like he payed any attention anyways. kids arent an excuse. maybe she just wants to be with him deep down inside and uses the its best for the kids excuse. i know alot of females like that. just move on man fuck it. find urself a girl with no kids and aint a phyco like ur exwife. maybe ull have a better chance.
Nov 10, 2004
yeah I mean if this girl wasn't stuck on him for the kid's sake, or for whatever reason, she would be my ideal woman. She is just like me only smarter.
Nov 10, 2004
Yeah and she hasn't seen him since april and hasn't done anything with him. he lives over 1000 miles away in missouri
Apr 13, 2007
lol jp man. nah but i mean if shes gonna be pullin the " its best for the kids " card. nothin can be for sures with her. untill she learns her lesson . some women never do tho. they just cant c shit like their blind or somethin. u willin to wait around ???? i mean wuts meant to be will be. thats how i c it. so if i was in ur place id just try to let her go and if u 2 are meant to be with each other short of long term u will.
Apr 13, 2007
Big E said:
Yeah and she hasn't seen him since april and hasn't done anything with him. he lives over 1000 miles away in missouri
wait wtf i just read how he kicked her out with the kids after HE CHEATED. u sure shes smart ? :ermm:
Nov 10, 2004
Yeah she is smart but seriously thinks it's best for the twins to have their dad in their life. She said she still loves him too. I don't think it's stupid, I think it's love on her part, now his motive has yet to be seen. Hell he may not even move to where she is at. That is the stipulations by her for him. He has to move back to a town of 5000 from springfield MO