Gas One said:
to tie whoever did that shit to her up to a machine that blew crack smoke into his mouth for 20 minutes straight until he overdosed and drop his bitch ass off a bridge.
i didn't click the link and i do have symathy for people who suffer what she had to suffer.
however, when i read the replies i found it hilarious that gas's idea of unbearable torture involves forcing someone to involuntarily smoke crack.
usually people say something like I'd tie him to a tree and bash his head in with a baseball bat or I'd kill him with small cuts until he bleeds to death, or i'd make him starve to death.
but gas is the first person ive ever heard that said I'd tie him to a machine that makes him ingest crack involuntarily for 20 minutes. Has anyone ever heard of such a machine? JUST had to point that out ri quick.