Wolfowitz to head World Bank!!

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May 13, 2002
Pentagon hawk to run World Bank

President George W Bush has nominated US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz as the next head of the World Bank.

Financial Times
By Andrew Balls and Edward Alden in Washington

March 1, 2005

Paul Wolfowitz, US deputy secretary of defence, has emerged as a leading candidate to replace James Wolfensohn as the president of the World Bank. Mr Wolfowitz is one of a small number of people being considered for the US nomination, administration insiders said.

The nomination of Mr Wolfowitz, one of the chief architects of the Iraq war and a former US ambassador to Indonesia, would likely be highly
controversial, and could raise new questions about the process by which the World Bank chief is selected. One administration official said his
nomination "would have enormous repercussions within the development
community". Others on the US shortlist include Randall Tobias, former head of Eli Lilly and the administration's co-ordinator on Aids.

Leadership of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund is decided by all the shareholders in the institutions. But the US and Europe in
effect divide up the top jobs, with an American heading the bank and a European running the fund.

The effort to pick the US candidate has been led by the White House National Security Council and the Council of Economic Advisers. The
Treasury is leading consultations with other World Bank shareholders. Asked about Mr Wolfowitz's possible nomination, Rob Nichols, Treasury spokesman, said: "We don't speculate on personnel appointments before they are made."

Other names on the US list are John Taylor, the top Treasury official for international affairs, and Peter McPherson, president of Michigan State University. But they are not seen by the administration as leading candidates. European officials point to the dispute over Caio Koch-Weser a candidate for the IMF post favoured by Europe but blocked by the US as setting a precedent that could see them veto the US
May 13, 2002
Top 10 Reasons Why Paul Wolfowitz Would Make a Good World Bank President
by John Cavanagh

1. He would follow in the great tradition of World Bank president Robert McNamara, who also helped kill tens of thousands of people in a poor country most Americans couldn't find on a map before getting the job.

2. It helps to be a good liar when you run an institution with employees who earn over $100,000 a year to pretend to help billions of people who live on less than $1 a day.

3. With all his experience helping U.S. companies grab Iraq 's oil profits, he's got just the right experience for doling out lucrative World Bank contracts to U.S. businesses.

4. After predecessor James Wolfensohn blew millions of dollars on "consultations" with citizen groups to give the appearance of openness, Wolfowitz's tough-guy style is just what's needed to rid the World Bank of those irritating activists.

5. Unlike former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, another one of the four leading candidates, at least Wolfowitz hasn't failed at running a Fortune 500 company.

6. Unlike the Treasury Department's John Taylor, another leading candidate, at least Wolfowitz doesn't want to get rid of the institution he would head.

7. While earning a University of Chicago Ph.D. , he was exposed to the tenets of market fundamentalism that have reigned at the World Bank for decades.

8. He has experience in constructing echo chambers where only the advice he wants to hear is spoken.

9. He knows some efficient private contractors who build echo chambers for only a few hundred billion dollars (cost plus, of course).

10. He can develop a pre-emptive poverty doctrine where the World Bank could invade countries that fail to make themselves safe for U.S. business, modeled on the U.S. pre-emptive war doctrine he helped craft.
May 13, 2002
Unless, maybe, if you're rich it's pretty cool.

"Honey I'm home! Nevermind why our bank account's suddenly grown. It's funny, we're so out of this debt from this money we owe. Woulda ya...mind if I told you I had two governments overthrown To keep our son enrolled in a private school, and to keep ya tummy swollen. C'mon, our fuckin' home was built on the foundation of bloody throats"
Jan 2, 2003
WOLFOWITZ.....is a goddman moron

he has made outrageous arguments about IRAQ...

like hella BULLSHIT pre-war rhetoric

FUCK HIM.....bad news for the whole world....
Jul 18, 2002
Here's a little backgroung on this Fucc-stick;

"A military analyst under Ronald Reagan, Wolfowitz famously denounced U.S. support for Saddam Hussein in his conflict with Iran. Wolfowitz was later a leading participant in the Project for the New American Century. That think tank formed in 1997 during the Clinton presidency, and expressed a new foreign policy with regard to Iraq and other "potential aggressor states", dismissing "containment" in favor of "preemption"; strike first to eliminate threats and advocated the use of force in Iraq to "protect our vital interests in the Gulf", as evidenced by the 1998 PNAC Letter to then President Bill Clinton. Clinton, along with George H. W. Bush, Colin Powell, and other former Bush administration officials, dismissed calls for "preemption" in favor of continued "containment." This was the policy of George W. Bush as well for his first several months in office (although former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill claims differently in Ron Suskind's book The Price of Loyalty). Many saw Wolfowitz's plan as a "blueprint for U.S. hegemony" and his "preemption" policy remained contained until the terrorist attacks of September 11 revived hawkish advocacy for defense through preemptive action."

excerpt from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz
Jan 9, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Unless, maybe, if you're rich it's pretty cool.

"Honey I'm home! Nevermind why our bank account's suddenly grown. It's funny, we're so out of this debt from this money we owe. Woulda ya...mind if I told you I had two governments overthrown To keep our son enrolled in a private school, and to keep ya tummy swollen. C'mon, our fuckin' home was built on the foundation of bloody throats"

I'm positive rich people talk like that. They just speak normal in front of the non-rich, but when we're out of ear shot, they revert to this way of speaking.
May 17, 2002
WOW!!!! Wolfowitz?! That's some big news!

Let him get it and boom. Imperialism IS full in effect. The only slavery that exists today is FINANCIAL DEBT. If america has an insider that is already a puppet of the state in charge of foreign debts oowee can we say MAFIA. Talk about it being nothing to establish puppet governments.

Think about it America must compete against China now. There is no political way for america to war with china. The only way america can compete is with a cold war. since China has TOO many people which means a political NO-NO at the thought of a physical blood war the only thing america can do is manipulate market forces at edges of the world economy "world debt". Using world debt as a leverage for power means:

1. Large greenfield investments and other FDI in developing nations = Foreign reliance on Americian currency.

2. Technological advancement through R&D to help compete against China's GROWING Technological base.

3. More locations and human resources to spy on governments (because it's hard being a White spy in the world nowadays) = Intelligence reformation.

4. Using the indebted to fight other indebted countries = Let the people that are the poorest do our fighting so our hands don't get get dirty.

in regards to carly fiorina.
Carly didn't "fail" she was ousted. They knew that the merger wasn't going to be smooth. The cheif board members that aren't as "publicized" as fiorina are family to the Hewletts and Packards. she was just a fall guy for them to take their control back in the company. Put it like this. ever since she's be gone the stock continues to slide downwards. she was smart enough to know tie the companies success to her presence.
Jan 9, 2004
I wish I hadn't done that search. LOL Just messing, ok I figured out its some sort of Globalist group and not the home-improvement show.