NICK You are definately right... They aren't shit without Nitty... Scoob is the only one left that has some decency to his lyrics... Shit, this Friday I just went to by "My Dogs for Life" again just to hear Nitty's shit and that alone. Well other than Tech too, but Tech and Nitty made that album what it is, and it's barely that...
But the answer to the original question would I buy it. Yes, even though they have beef, or whatever, I'd think that I might want to hear what they ahve to say. I know that Scoob is gonna say "Gutter" a million tmes, Bakarii is gonna try to sound like Nitty, And Txx Will, well that fucker can't rap a gift on Christmas Svs, so he'll just be there, but that might be what I need to hear so that I can remember not to buy their shit in the future...