The line between races is nothing more than a false bodily conception of life.
When a black man thinks "I am hungry", his thoughts have no color.
When a white man thinks "I am hungry", his thoughts have no color.
Our life force has no color.
Our inner essence, our SOUL, is not black, white, chinese, mexican, or any color, race, nationality, or even sex.
But because we are ignorant of this spiritual essence, we mistakenly identify with our external covering and the external covering of others. We falsely conclude that there is a "difference" between one man and another because their skin color is not exactly the same, when the reality is that we are all living, and we will all die. This is undeniable evidence of the commonality of man and all living beings.
If a man is wearing a green jacket and he says "I am green", does that make sense? The green jacket is just an external covering. Similarly, our skin is not who we are. Our skin is simply the external covering of our actual Self, our soul.
When a person says "I am black" or "I am white", they are incorrect. They are falsely identifying their spiritual essence with their temporary external covering.
The line between races exists only in the perception of the ignorant, and since the overwhelming majority of the planet is ignorant of *who they really are*, there is little chance of this line disappearing any time soon.