NICOYA415 said:
I can't believe people want to make sig bets with the Kings vs Fakers game coming up!! Thats fucking hilarious, the Fakers can't even take the Warriors!! Kings suckaz!!!
Its not so much thinking their going to win or lose, its ridin' with your team. Like when DT took a sig bet with SCA vs Portland, when in actuality he hinted to us all that he thought Portland was going to win, same shit going on here.
Sorry nitro, but it wont work homie! Most of us on here know how the Fakerz won their titles, if u just continue to read these replys homie!! Haha!
Actually, its been proven that the only people saying this is Laker hater and/or Kings fans.
I know it hurts but hey thats life!!
Hey, im lovin the struggle! It gets boring watching the Lakers deminish every team they face. I know it pisses you off that were not mad because of whats happening to the Lakers, but hey, thats just the way it is. Just because you break down into tears because you have to watch your teams suffer, but dont take it out on us!
The only diff, is that this time Stern would have to do major work to help the Fakers this year because they suck and if they even make the playoffs his help would be obvious this time cause they would need alot of it, so he aint gonna bother this year!! So now a "real" champion will be crowned for the first time since the Bulls!! Face it!! GOT EM!!!
Na, the Lakers deserved every one of those titles, the sooner you realize that, and the fact that 1000 posts saying other wise wont mean shit, the better off you will be!
CZAR, now your saying that if the Lakers start doing good, its because of stern, but if they lose, its because there not a good team. Your saying there hasnt been a real champ since the Bulls, but if SAC wins this year, it will be real? ROFL, read your shit, look at how dumb you sound dog. ROFL