Wii, PS3, or 360?

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Which One are you more excited about?

  • Wii

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • PlayStation 3

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters
Sep 28, 2002
Ok, now that E3 is underway and sony, nintendo, and microsoft have all given their plans and games for about the rest of the year. so, after all the news and commotion, what are you guys looking forward to? please state why.

Im so exicited bout the Wii, its not even funny, i want to be samus and aim and shoot. i want to be Solid Snake in Super smash bros. Brawl. i want to play the new mario. i want to play all the old nintendo games. i just cant fucking wait.
Jan 11, 2006
Wii, for sure. Nintendo totally shitted all over Sony and Microsoft @ E3. Sony is the P. Diddy of the video game world, biting the fuck out of both Nintendo, with the motion sensor controller, and Microsoft, with it's online service. I don't like Metal Gear, so I saw nothing for PS3 that made me want to spend the same amount I'd spend for a 360 and a Wii just to get a PS3.
Jun 27, 2005
that nintendo is gonna be it for me. I need my shootin games (not that first person nonsense) plus that controller is gonna make it so you can have games that we never been able to have before. Graphically it aint as powerful but you need a hdtv to see any major upgrade in graphics over the original xbox. The graphics on all the systems are all gonna look pretty much like regular xbox shit on my regular ass regular tv, so 250 for the Wii it is. Might pick up a 360 or a ps3 later, but wii is definitely at the top top of the list.
May 9, 2002
a star impaled said:
^^^eat a dick bitch. (i just don't like you already)


The only reason im buyin that hunk of shit Wii...is to have every NES,SNES and Genisis game at my finger tips...otehrwise....its gonna be a big paper weight...

PS3 on mines....all day...its blowiin ALL competition ouot the water without flinching....


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Wii is the name for the Nintendo Revolution. Its basically a processor with 1/15 the power of a PS3, so it wont be graphically amazing. But with the Wii controller, you can play games like tennis and baseball by swinging the controller, and in Zelda you can probably swing the controller like a sword and shoot a bow and arrow and shit. So I'm really fuckin excited for the Wii and the controllers.

But truth be told, if I end up buying a system it'll be PS3. I bought a PS2 and the only games I got for it were Madden, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Metal Gear. I personally think Square-Enix is the best videogame company in the world, so I'd buy the PS3 just for the Square Enix titles. But I can't see myself spending 600 on a system. Especially after me and my 10 best friends all had our PS2 break at the exact same time.

So having said that I'm either gonna wait for the PS3 price to drop or else I'm not buying a system at all.
Jan 11, 2006
Square Enix is making games for the Wii also.

Ocerto, you are either uninformed about the Wii, or an idiot if you think it's just going to be a paperweight. Shit, if Sony didn't think the Wii was going to be competition, why the fuck did they blatantly steal the motion sensor technology? Not to mention that from what I've read, the PS3 motion sensor is shitty at best.

I won't buy a PS3for at least 2 years, until the price drops. I will be getting a Wii on Day One, and I'll probably get a 360 in November also.


Complete O.G.
Jun 25, 2002
Gimcheon, South Korea
The Wii..

Nintendo fucking blew the other 2 away so hard at e3 it's not even comparable anymore. Nintendo is back, they got it locked down. Xbox is going downhill hard.. by the time the ps3 comes out it will be collecting dust worldwide.

Ps3.. i will prob get one after the price drops are huge.. in like 2009, lol.
May 9, 2002
Lemon420 said:
Square Enix is making games for the Wii also.

Ocerto, you are either uninformed about the Wii, or an idiot if you think it's just going to be a paperweight. Shit, if Sony didn't think the Wii was going to be competition, why the fuck did they blatantly steal the motion sensor technology? Not to mention that from what I've read, the PS3 motion sensor is shitty at best.

I won't buy a PS3for at least 2 years, until the price drops. I will be getting a Wii on Day One, and I'll probably get a 360 in November also.
U think i give two flyin fucks about some gay "motion sensor"??Waving some "wand" around emulating a sword,tennis racket or dildo???Uhhhhhh...sorry buddy....how retarded are you gonna look wavin a goofy lookin controller around???Yeah...im good chief...

I dont get hard-ons over "revolutionary" game playing tactics...i get hard ons over great graphics and slick movement without glitches...i HATE 1st person games....they are annoyin as shit...

So all you Nintendo nerds can really miss me with your speeches on how "cool" the controller is gonna be...the PS3 is the BEST controller to DATE....and like someone else said..."if it aint broke...dont fix it"...

The PS3 is THE BEST in console gaming by ions...the Wii is just some weird shit that you nerdy muthafuckas can stroke your cocks to....good luck with that....

BTW...i bought a Gamecube...and played 0 games on it....i only bought it cus my boy had hook ups on it and i got the Gameboy Advantage attachment to play them on my TV....thats IT.

Fuck Nintendo....they aint in the game NO MORE.....


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Square Enix is making games for the Wii also
True, but they won't be making the same games. Final Fantasy #'s will still probably be exclusive to Playstation (as said on the PS and Square Enix websites). Instead, Wii will probably have some gay ass Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals game instead of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Just because Square Enix will be on both systems doesnt mean it'll make the same title for every system. And it seems like Nintendo Final Fantasy games are geared towards kids and pretty much crap compared to what's been on the PS2.

Now if I find out the Wii will have Final Fantasy XIII and Kingdom Hearts III and I can play them both on a $199 system instead of a $599 system, you can bet your sweet ass I'll get the Wii.
Jan 11, 2006
I'll tell you what Ocerto, we'll see when you get your PS3 if you feel the same way.

You'll be spending about $750 for your PS3, an extra controller, and a game...

For that same $750, I'll have a Wii, a 360, and a couple games, even more if the 360 drops down like I'm sure it will. I'll have the 360 for the next-gen shit that my regular ass tv won't even do justice to, and the Wii for the innovations and new gameplay it will bring.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to pay $600 to play fucking sequels. I'm sick and fucking tired of the same damn game with new graphics.

Fuck PS3. $600 for some shit that will break down ina year just like the PS1 and PS2...

Shit, only J-Boeg's want a PS3...
Jan 12, 2006
i was lookin into the Wii and as much as i like all the nintendo shit! and it would be hella tight to play some new mario! it just looks like a system that i buy for my little brother or little sister. shit cant compete with the San Adreas and Halo games! i think people are over all the sega sonic or mario nitendo shit. just my opinion though could be wrong. Personally im gonna stick with getting a Xbox 360 shit handles everything!
May 9, 2002
Lemon420 said:
I'll tell you what Ocerto, we'll see when you get your PS3 if you feel the same way.
Why wouldnt I?I luv my PS2...ive had one since they CAME OUT....

You'll be spending about $750 for your PS3, an extra controller, and a game...
And your popint is?Quality cost money homie...if you know anything about electronics...you would understand this...its not my fault that some of you square fuckin cats cant cough up the bread for this shit....work some OT at work...step up your hustle game...i dont wanna hear your cying about price...

For that same $750, I'll have a Wii, a 360, and a couple games, even more if the 360 drops down like I'm sure it will. I'll have the 360 for the next-gen shit that my regular ass tv won't even do justice to, and the Wii for the innovations and new gameplay it will bring.
Do you want a biscuit?

FUCK the 360 too...with there limited backwards compatibility...what kind a shit is that????only what...HALF of the XBox games can be played on it???Good job Bill Gates!!!!!

SO its my fault you got a shitty TV???Ill be enjoyin MY PS3 via HD cuzin...like i said...step your game up....

I'm sorry, but I don't want to pay $600 to play fucking sequels. I'm sick and fucking tired of the same damn game with new graphics.
And thats your taste...I happen to like the sequels....to great games....but if thats the BEST arguement you can come up with...you need to argue with some one else...cus youre gonna get ate the fuck up bringin that weak ass shit to the table with me buddy boy...i let this one slide...try again please...

The PS2 has the MOST TITLES of ANY CONSOLE...theres very few titles exclusive for XBox...and the ones that were exclusive for GC were CRAP....get the fuck outta here.....

Fuck PS3. $600 for some shit that will break down ina year just like the PS1 and PS2...
Well..when you throw shit against the wall..yes...it tends to break numb nuts...

Ive owned 2PS2's over the last what...4 or 5 years?The reason it was 2...is becuase i bought the NEW slim one when it came out....and retired the clunker...but it worked FINE all the way up to the exchange....i dont know what your deal is....

And Ive NEVER heard anyone havin problems with the PS1....so you must be pullin shit out your ass cus you got nothin else to back your shit up....LAME..

Shit, only J-Boeg's want a PS3...
Was that a cheap shot to try and belittle me???Wow....thats very young of you....do me a favor and grow up a bit....then we can finish this "arguement"...

Fcuk that gay ass "wand" action thats so "groundbreaking"...you gonna cast a spell on opponents like Harry Potter???Oh yeah...I cant WAIT to ge the Wii!!!!!!!!

Ona side note...I dont CARE what yall like...thats your opinion...buy whatever the fuck you want...how does it effect me???IT DOESNT....my opinion is that the Wii is a WASTE OF MONEY...you dont like my opinion....then you can suck my long white veiny COCK...

And PLEASE....PLEASE....spare me the "groundbreaking technology" speech...


Good-bye...and goodday...
Jun 27, 2005
Stealth said:
Final Fantasy #'s will still probably be exclusive to Playstation (as said on the PS and Square Enix websites). Instead, Wii will probably have some gay ass Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals game instead of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
any kind of final fantasy is gay.
Apr 27, 2005
the ps3 controller doesnt have a motion sensor like the revolution, it has a TILT sensor, which isnt very revolutionary at all considering nintendo built a tilt sensor into a little Gameboy COLOR game called Kirby tilt and tumble YEARS AGO. The PS3 controller has almost as much functionality as the nunchuck attachment (which isnt the main controller) that connects to the revolution controller, except sony took out the rumble feature.
May 9, 2002
Home-E said:
the ps3 controller doesnt have a motion sensor like the revolution, it has a TILT sensor, which isnt very revolutionary at all considering nintendo built a tilt sensor into a little Gameboy COLOR game called Kirby tilt and tumble YEARS AGO. The PS3 controller has almost as much functionality as the nunchuck attachment (which isnt the main controller) that connects to the revolution controller, except sony took out the rumble feature.

SO WHAT!?!?!?

"im better than you"

"No,IM better than you"

"I invented YOU!"

GO buy youre paper weight and play your corny lil RPG games....I COULD CARE LESS!!!!