DeluzioN said:
wow...untwist the panties. if you read right you would see i never talked down on your company or said it shouldnt be under the record label section. i just mentioned the fact that i didnt believe you had distibution. and by that i meant through LARGER AMERICAN companies (i.e. Bayside). sayin folks from Texas cant go to thier sam goody or fye and ask em to order your CD. i know youve done a good job of saturatin the northwest area tho, and props for that. I was just simply statin you have no nationwide distrobution yet, which WAS one of the credentials of being in the record label section. no hation, just observation and demonstration:chinese:
Again, I've HAD nationwide distribution through NAIL in Portland, OR which in turn sold CDs to Bayside, AEC, Southwest Wholesale, and others. (Check any of the last remaining Ghetto Politic posters, it says it on the bottom of them). Which means I fitted the criteria. I opted out of that contract as I began meeting folks like B-12 and others who let me know that they didn't take NAIL that serious because Urban Music wasn't their nitch in the game. They focused harder on other genres of music.
I also sell CDs in bulk beyond the NW buddy. I ship bulk packages to New Jersey (Trenton, Saddlebrook), Texas (Houston, Arlington, Dallas, El Paso, Waco) , California (San Jo, Diego, Humbolt Co.), Colorado (Fort Collins, Denver), Utah (Salt Lake City), Nevada, (Vegas, Reno) etc. Plus I ship packages to Croatia, South Africa, U.K., Japan, as well as make sell via the internet.
Like I said, don't speak on what you don't know. It's all good as far as supporting D-Sane. I'm all for it. But don't mention me like I'm some exception to the game. Whether you knew it or not, that was insulting. If you promoting D-Sane do that! Where did my name have to come in play at?
It didn't.
Oh and I'm not just saturating the NW, I'm saturating the globe. We distribute like any other company and shouldn't be disregarded because we don't have the bigger name. Learn about it.