Guess how much the federal government has raked in from these casinos?
”So where do the profits go?
The scope of Indian gaming is exaggerated. There are resort-type casinos, but many “tribal facilities” are just trailers with bingo. Former NIGC Chairwoman, Tracie Stevens testified before the Senate Committee on Indian affairs that in 2009 tribal facilities generated gross gaming revenue of $26.5 billion—merely 21 percent of gaming nationwide. But Indian gaming also generated $6.2 billion in federal taxes, $2.4 billion in state income, and $100 million in local income through payroll, sales taxes, and direct revenue sharing through government agreements."
The report that is pulled from is an American Indian news source. It also goes on to express the US code that specifically says one of the four sections the money is earmarked for is lthings like water to homes lol.