I don't think its "cheating" because it doesnt do ANYTHING special or different from the other sequencers. Can you use pro tools to AUTOMATICALLY pull chords from your head? NOPE. can you use pro tools to latch onto your fingers and play montuno? NOPE. can you use pro tools to automatically mix for you? NOPE. Simply put it's what YOU do with it (like MO-X said.) What does it do for you that you dont have to TELL it to do? Does it automatically SCAN your brain and map out track automation according to what you are thinking? NO! Does it automatically quantize and set groove templates WITHOUT ***you*** checking the appropraite boxes? NOPE! Does it track without clipping? No! YOU STILL HAVE TO PRACTICE PROPER TRACKING AND GAIN STAGING.
You can have pro tools, a neve an ssl or own the world's largest lab. It wont make a difference if the wrong buttons are being punched. I'm speaking from experience and $$$$$$$ down the drain due to a JANKY/FUCKED UP engineer who let his EGO get in the way of MY project. Does pro tools tell you WHEN to use that compressor? Does pro tools tell you WHEN to cut that frequency? HELL NO!!!!!! It's all on the person operating it. Now, I admit I purchased pro tools for several reasons.
1. I have experience with the program.
2.I go to a lot of studios that have it (so it's easy to import sessions etc etc etc)
3.The ***PAYING*** customers (in my area) DEMAND it. They want it so I purchased it no complaints from me.
4.I *NEEDED* a new audio interface/soundcard.
How has it made recording easier? Well you dont have to ride the faders. You can use automation. Does it do it for you "Automatically" NO! you have make it automate by writing the automation. Thats NO different from an ssl (or other boards) with flying faders, memory location etc etc etc. It does the SAME thing as a console but does it a DIFFERENT way.
I dont think pro tools is flooding the market with garbage. If EVERYONE has the SAME piece of gear its on YOU to do one of two things:
1.BYPASS the gear and get something DIFFERENT
2.LEARN the gear and use it YOUR way.
Should you blame korg or akai for every lame ass mpc/triton (trinity) beat that SATURATES the radio? If a person is sick of people buying into pro tools they should contact the avid/digidesign marketing and advertising department and tell them. They will politely hang up on the poor soul who decides to do so. That goes for Timbaland , HERESY and you (insert your name here.)
***MORE DAMAGE*** has been done with that damn triton/mpc combo compared to pro tools. How many people can afford a 40k pro tools rig? how many people can afford a triton and mpc? I don't see a lot of people rushing to buy pro tools, I see people rushing to buy tritons and mpc 4000s. To be honest they would save $$$$$$$$ and get a better setup IF they researched. I know someone who recently purchased a motif rack, mpc 4000, triton rack, midi controller and a pair of speakers. His computer is DEAD and he doesnt sample. Now I ask you Would his money be better spent on a digi 001 (or 002r) and custom made digidesign computer or mpc 4000?
Keep in mind that he's planning to do vocals/albums and wont be able to buy a new piece of gear (in the thousand dollar range) for around 8-12 months.
I disagree with timbaland on this one.
PS IM NOT BACK!!!!!!!!