why does everyone use the same shit?

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May 13, 2002
why does everyone use the same shit?
triton mo phatt etc?
i use an mpc but thats different no one has the same sounds as me
i was offerd a triton for 800 and said no ,a friend offerd a trinity rack i said no i dont want to sound like anyone else?


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
i feel you...

thats true...i was thinkin about gettin a triton or a trinity rack...but i started to think...everybody has one of these, why should i get one...so i just got a lil simple Casio WK-1630...master something like that then move up...
May 13, 2002
deviant im speaking on the masses most people go with whats hot at the time, asr mpc trinity triton, i do think the mpc is a solid investment aswell as an asr ,because when you look at the current prices vs performance nothing comes close,

i like yourself use a 2600and mpc and other keys and mods
most people have never seen or heard of a 2600 or ob12 if really want one i know where to find them for $600 hit me at 707694-8849

kev ski amgmusic 1993-


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
its not like theres a lot to choose from, especially as far as all in one units go. not everyone can afford several modules and most of the time are left with the "all in one" option such as triton, asr, fantom, etc.....and to say that the mpc gives you a good price to performance ratio is absurd. that is the most overpriced piece on the market. now the asr? thats a deal.


Sicc OG
Apr 26, 2002
You could have the same sounds, but if you tweak they will be different than what everyone else is comin' up with.

But remember, it not the equipment thatz gonna make you tight, itz your talent that makes it what it is.


because somebody has to have em...

It just turns out theres more people with a Triton I guess.

I got a Triton Rack and a JV-1080.... But I plan on getting things such as a Kurzweil K2000R Rack, and a Korg X5D as a midi controller... anybody suggest anything else?


Sicc OG
Apr 26, 2002
You could probably get a Controller keboard for cheaper than the X5D.
Like under $200, cuz I think the X5D goes for 400 or 500 brand new

I have the Trinity, And I have been tweaking almost all my sounds, I'm happy with it, it'll be a while before I get another keyboard, I'm gonna be gettin' some modules though. I also have the Korg MS2000R, which is very nice, analog synthesis. (Thanks to D-Sane for the Hook-up on that one) It has some meaty basses and tight Leads.Within the next 6 months I'ma swoop on a Protues 2000 module.
May 13, 2002
phil the mpc is able to run 4-6 soundmods and give you hot drums
if you want to use a computer cool i dont sequecence on anything but an mpc for $1200 its a bargin, as far as whats out there-you just have to look shit is cheap nowdays $2500 for me = mpc 2000 for $1200, a used roland 2080 with 8 expansion cards =over 3000 sounds for $1000 on ebay,a keyboard controller

as far as tritons there good ,i just like to sound different,no triton or asr is gonna touch my drums or sequenceing,i also use older keys and mods that people forgot about like novation bassstation
i paid 200 for it,asr10 for 500 i got thousands of sounds for it,waldorf microwave its like 9 years old, akai s1000,paid 350 for it ,e-mu e4k paid 700 for it, kurzweil k 2600,roland tr808 paid 400,sp1200 paid 800
ive got lots more stuff,my point is just because its new dont make it better, i had a korg m1 along time ago i like korg ,but i can tell one a mile away.

big j your correct however most people dont care to spend time editing patches, ive been in music for about 12 years thats one of the first things i learnd back in 89.


Sicc OG
Apr 26, 2002
kev ski said:
big j your correct however most people dont care to spend time editing patches, ive been in music for about 12 years thats one of the first things i learnd back in 89.
True,Many people would rather just buy the sound modules/Keyboards, use them for a while, Sell them and get new equipment. But sound design is very useful to know(especially if you're trying to get your own signature sound) Like somone is listening to your music, and a Certain sound you use pops up. People are like" Yeah thatz a ____ Beat"

I feel you though it can eat up a lot of precious time


i kinda wanna git an X5D because i like the sounds on that too... i think i can get one on eBeezy for $250
Apr 25, 2002
BIG J said:

You could probably get a Controller keboard for cheaper than the X5D.
Like under $200, cuz I think the X5D goes for 400 or 500 brand new

Yea...a controller with weighted keys has alot better feel...those cheaper Korg synth's keys have a dull feel...plus I think that there is a mod. of the X5D..