**Whoever Designed This SLO-O "Album Cover" Get At Me!!
I lost the contact of the guy who designed this cover. I forgot if dude was from Siccness. If you reading this, get at me so i would like to use something for a mixtape cover!!
thats a clean ass cover...I like it better than the 2nd...not like you asked but just thought I say something...I would advise you look for dude in the art fourm
Funny thing is that the 2nd cover (Red Sky) was designed by a famous designer and the face cover is designed by somebody who was starting out just fucking around with the cover.
The Red sky one is supposed to be very hi-resolution when it gets printed. I am keepin that one for main cover. But i do like this new one too so ill probably throw it on a mixtape or something. Although i dont like that font. Too simple.
Thats what i thought too it was jamez mac work but he didnt do it. I found the person already. Pimp what you think? it looks professional to you? Should i fuck with it on the mixtape?