You're Lord of The Flies? Shit... why bother//
In that case, they call me the God of the Fly Swatters//
I read the book, and the movie i've seen allright//
You must have watched it too, since you cant read or write//
This emcee is tight, i talk it, and back my shit up//
You back your shit up when you're with the faggots you fuck//
I pound rhymes, taking your rep, its now mine//
You have to be the waccest person to try and use that PoW line//
I aint seen you elevating man, no progress you're makin//
Juan Million... what is that? How many losses you've taken? //
Juan, huh, i take it you must be a Spanish Cat? //
You aint gangsta, the only thing you pack is half your fam in backs of caddilacs//
I'll rock your bell, you're fairing not too well//
I'll wrap this up like the burritos you make at Taco Bell//