Let's see...
You live in a country that has forsaken vegetables, fruits, and balanced meals.
Kids wake up to a coke, a hostess cupcake, and maybe some Quaker instant oatmeal packets with plenty of brown sugar.
The grubby little fucks sit all day through class, snacking on JuJu bees, Abba Zabbas, and Snickers, until their lunch break at which time the *school* serves them chicken nuggets, jello, and an old banana that no one eats.
I've seen this shit with my sister's kids...and they are a fairly educated, well off family.
Oh yea, it's the hormones they put in there.
The diet, my friends, the fucking diet.
Hormones, pesticides, chloramine, and all the liberal oogie boogies that Peta, the people who jump in front of trains for mice, and the frog-savers warn us so much about aint shit compared to KFC, McDonalds, Debbie Cakes, and fucking Krispy kremes. Why are kids fat? Because they drink fucking cokes and eat lunchables all day.
How many fat ass, obese Asian kids do you see? If they aren't Americanized, nearly *none*. Do you think Chinese people give a fuck about hormones in the chicken? China is the land of no regulation! There is probably a large amount of human feces in Chinese restaurant food. They don't give a fuck about human life out there - they've got gabillions of people, and guess what? They're going to outlive us all.
Why? I return us back to the phenomenon of the diet. Not "What is inside the food you are eating", but "What are you eating in the first place."