Who is the most powerful man in the world?

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May 13, 2002
Before you think about that, read this article and share your thoughts.


The Most Powerful Man In America – And The World – Is One That You Never Get To Vote For, But Who Controls Who Gets Elected Or Not And What Laws Pass All Over The Globe

by Ben F. Terton

February 16, 2004 – Some Americans know the name Rupert Murdoch – far from all, but a number know the name and its association with at least one of this man’s media outlets, such as FOX News or The New York Post.

An even smaller number of people know that this man – whose full name is Keith Rupert Murdoch – has media holdings overseas as well.

But very few people are aware that this Australian-born political activist controls more of the world’s media than anyone else – most of it, perhaps – and, on a daily basis, plays out a combination of lowball tabloid propagandizing combined with political hardball that has let him – and lets him at this very moment – shape the business, social, and political realities of most of the nations of this planet.

To begin to get an idea of the span of Murdoch’s reach, here is a simple listing of his current holdings:

Adalaide News, Australia

News America Publishing, Inc.

Times Newspaper Holdings, vice president

Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp, co-owner and chairperson

William Collins PLC, Scottland

News Corp, Ltd., Australia

Fox Entertainment Group, CEO

British Sky Broadcasting, UK, chairman (the BBC’s top competitor)

City Post Publishing Corp, chairperson

Cruden Investments, co-owner

News Ltd, Group and Assoc. Companies, Austrailia

Bemrose Publishing, owner

Bay Books, owner

United Technologies, director

And a few other companies. Each of these companies has many holdings within its overall umbrella. So, for example, media outlets controlled by this one Australian born political activist include:

Fox Broadcasting Co. (Fox News, Fox Network, Fox Family, Fox Sports)

Twentieth Century-Fox TV

Fox Filmed Entertainment movie studio

over twenty Fox-owned TV stations

FX Cable TV Network

An additional 20+ regional sports outlets

Channel 10 in Sydney, Australia

Channel 10 in Melbourne, Australia

News Group Productions and Skyband in the US

Satellite Television PLC in England

BSkyB, UK (cable and satellite station that reaches all of Britain)

Star TV, Asia

JSkyB, Japan

SkyLatin America, Telepiu

London Weekend Television (part-owner)

Before you even get into the details, this seems like a whole lot of the press from a single man – never mind a foreign-born man – to own in America, and around the world.

When you get into the details – like that Star TV Asia alone, "reach(es) more than 300 million viewers in 53 countries across Asia (and) STAR is watched by over 173 million people every week." (source: startv.com) – you begin to get the true picture of just how vast, powerful, and completely dominating all across the globe Mr. Murdoch’s control of the media is – and each and every piece of it he actively – making no pretense not to – uses to push his personal political agenda through flat out propaganda-type tabloid reporting.

But wait, let’s not leave out at least a partial list of his newspaper holdings, just so you know what his reach and control is even on that level:

New York Post

Village Voice (yep, that’s him, too)

Boston Herald

Chicago Sun-Times (some pretty big ones all over the country, huh?)

San Antonio Express-News (where it all began for him in the US)

Times, Sunday Times (and associated publications) in London, England

The News Of The World And Today, UK

Australian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Mirror, Sunday Sun, News and Sunday Mail, and Sunday Times in Australia

He also owns TV Guide, TV week, and the Star Trader, among other magazines. Yes, your TV Guide is one of his tools as well.

Hmm, funny that the three nations he dominates most in the West, America, Great Britain, and Australia, led the charge into Iraq, being on a completely different page than the rest of the world, huh?

Oh yeah, he owns a network in Italy as well – Sky Italia. Wait, they, not so coincidentally, came along into Iraq, didn’t they, bucking the European trend.

Odd. It almost seems like the Iraq war was launched by support drummed up by an Axis of Murdoch media holdings if you stop to think about it, doesn’t it?

The above listings are in no way complete. We left out things like The Sun, a UK tabloid with a circulation of over 4,000,000.

What sort of stories does The Sun run?

Well, as luck would have it, tabloid-level smear stories like this one (see article: John Kerry Girl Tells All):

"THE beauty said to have had a fling with presidential hopeful John Kerry has recorded a bombshell tell-all interview.

"Journalist Alex Polier taped a talk with a US TV network at Christmas.

"The former Washington intern, 27, told all about an alleged fling with the 60-year-old super-rich senator in spring 2001."

Yes, a day before the actual woman actually spoke to say there was no affair and she wasn’t even an intern (see AP News article: Woman Denies Affair With Kerry), Murdoch’s paper not only made the above claim, but went further on to push his right-wing political agenda by asserting against all reality:

"Kerry was front-runner for the Democratic nomination to take on George Bush in November. His hopes were hit as hints of a scandal emerged."
