if you bought the actual cd, then got tired of listening to it and someone said they were looking for it and you sold it to them, no i wouldnt be mad. i would have no reason to be mad.
same thing as if someone like tadou who buys multiple copies and sells one. no one has any reason to be mad.
SYKO is mad because he feels he never recieved ANYTHING from his work with SLR and while i find that hard to believe, he still release a CD through SLR so if the consumer purchases the CD through SLR and doesnt bootlegg it then how is it the consumers fault? its not, no matter how you "slice the pie"
SYKO needs to take that up with SLR and im sure if it was really an issue then SYKO could have gone through the correct channels to get SLR to stop distributing it. but its been how many years? and has anything been done? so regardless of the issue, fans put money in your pocket whether if its now, or its 3 cds down the road.
just remember, you only get what you deserve in life.