brainstorm shnippett.mp3 - 1.09MB
My boy had a tape of this back in the day we used to all freestyle to it all day, he said it was a JT beat but I cant be sure he knew what he was talkin about. Someone has to know where this came from, classic old school beat. [P.S. forgive the vocals, I was like 16 usin a mic I found in the garage, recordin on a sony tape deck, lol]
My boy had a tape of this back in the day we used to all freestyle to it all day, he said it was a JT beat but I cant be sure he knew what he was talkin about. Someone has to know where this came from, classic old school beat. [P.S. forgive the vocals, I was like 16 usin a mic I found in the garage, recordin on a sony tape deck, lol]