Hard on the heels of the closing of the Paralympic Games 2012 this past weekend comes the topical and no doubt controversial revelation that a promotion is to stage MMA fights between wheelchair-bound fighters for, as far as we know, the first time anywhere in the world.
“The Wheeled Warriors group and the Ultimate Cage Fighting Championships have joined forces to put on a series of bouts with fighters in wheelchairs and also amputees under MMA rules. It will take place later this year in South Yorkshire,” Fighters Only was informed today.
Colin Woods, head of Wheeled Warriors, said: “I have the pleasure to announce that after much discussion “Wheeled Warriors and the UCFC have agreed to join forces. This is for the benefit of both the fans and physically-challenged fighters across the globe.
“We have come together to bring both amputees and wheeled fighters into the ring to compete just like any other. I had the pleasure to attend as a ringside spectator to the UCFC’s most recent endeavour - UCFC 4 – which had 13 bouts of amateur and pro MMA action on the card and featured special guests from the UFC Ryan Badar and Clarence Dollaway.
“It is clear this concept is well-received and ahead of its time as very few would expect something of its kind to come to fruition so soon. To conclude, this is a great collaboration which surely will improve sports and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Both sides are gaining opportunities.”
The fighters will compete on specially-made wheelchairs that are adaptable to various sports such as basketball, football or even as an off-road vehicle for activities such as mountain-biking. Designed by SporTech DSC, they can also be used for both MMA and boxing.
Wheeled Warriors is the brainchild of Colin Wood who is determined that disabled people enjoy the chance to fight in MMA and boxing alongside able-bodied sportsmen and women. His dream is to see both MMA and boxing accepted into the Paralympics.
Wheeled Warriors now has branches in the United States, Hungry, Brazil, Canada, Australia and South Africa. It says it “will be setting up wings in many more countries in the near future.”
Wheeled Warriors are currently looking for sponsors for their fighters.
Hard on the heels of the closing of the Paralympic Games 2012 this past weekend comes the topical and no doubt controversial revelation that a promotion is to stage MMA fights between wheelchair-bound fighters for, as far as we know, the first time anywhere in the world.
“The Wheeled Warriors group and the Ultimate Cage Fighting Championships have joined forces to put on a series of bouts with fighters in wheelchairs and also amputees under MMA rules. It will take place later this year in South Yorkshire,” Fighters Only was informed today.
Colin Woods, head of Wheeled Warriors, said: “I have the pleasure to announce that after much discussion “Wheeled Warriors and the UCFC have agreed to join forces. This is for the benefit of both the fans and physically-challenged fighters across the globe.
“We have come together to bring both amputees and wheeled fighters into the ring to compete just like any other. I had the pleasure to attend as a ringside spectator to the UCFC’s most recent endeavour - UCFC 4 – which had 13 bouts of amateur and pro MMA action on the card and featured special guests from the UFC Ryan Badar and Clarence Dollaway.
“It is clear this concept is well-received and ahead of its time as very few would expect something of its kind to come to fruition so soon. To conclude, this is a great collaboration which surely will improve sports and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Both sides are gaining opportunities.”
The fighters will compete on specially-made wheelchairs that are adaptable to various sports such as basketball, football or even as an off-road vehicle for activities such as mountain-biking. Designed by SporTech DSC, they can also be used for both MMA and boxing.
Wheeled Warriors is the brainchild of Colin Wood who is determined that disabled people enjoy the chance to fight in MMA and boxing alongside able-bodied sportsmen and women. His dream is to see both MMA and boxing accepted into the Paralympics.
Wheeled Warriors now has branches in the United States, Hungry, Brazil, Canada, Australia and South Africa. It says it “will be setting up wings in many more countries in the near future.”
Wheeled Warriors are currently looking for sponsors for their fighters.