Say it isnt about race, which it obviously is subconsciously or not...
what are we, 12??? it doesnt matter "WELL THEY GET TO DO IT", yeah? too bad!
He was NOT ON HIS property, he was told if he wanted to stay on the property to put away the sign or fuck off, and he could of fucked off right across the street and held it up as much as he wanted. Infact, if he was on HIS property, he could of fucked off, held up his sign and carried any guns he owns on him also.
There's no story here. So that leaves two things, "omg look at what this cop did", oh a pigs a piece of shit? thats real breaking news, theres not even a beating in it. Or "look at what this black cop did"
Which isn't news worthy in the least unless someones pushing an agenda.