Bodies in a a duffel, csection, heavy, murder gram. But my favorite gottabe LIL VAMPIRE! who the Fuck is this Skari cat?!?!?! Doeshe have an album out yet? Cuz man this fool prolly one of the hardest dudes I heard inna minute.
Bodies in a a duffel, csection, heavy, murder gram. But my favorite gottabe LIL VAMPIRE! who the Fuck is this Skari cat?!?!?! Doeshe have an album out yet? Cuz man this fool prolly one of the hardest dudes I heard inna minute.
Anybody know of any legit websites that I can pre-order this off? My ITunes is fucked so I gotta wait to get the hard copy to hear it...
I'm just a lil worried about pre-ordering from MadeSicc cuz of their history haha. But at least I know that the Lynch Halloween Ep will come out on time cuz that's on Strange.