This racial shit will stop now and Melo you will be quiet like a good little boy should. To the rest of you, it all started from your boy EDJ's post Degrees Of Wiggaism, Now If I wanted to I could put up Degrees of Niggaism but you know what Iam not a racist peace of shit like EDJ is. You see when you start talking bad about white people, white people are going to retaliate, you got a problem with white people who no longer act in fear. Does that scare you? To me Iam after the rich and powerful, white or black if your in power and treat people bad then you gotta pay. But I will step in and silence ignorant people like EDJ and Melotrauma who have yet to come back with a response to my posts that equals the things I say. Their only comebacks involve dissing and disrespectful comments. Iam not going to sit around while you bash white people. I wouldnt sit around and let people bash any other race. Iam not racist and it seems as if EDJ and his boy Melotrauma are all in a fit because they have no solid arguments like the other people on this site such as Tadou and a couple others who strike against me because I speak the truth. Your all ignorant. You stop this white boy thread shit and Ill stop fuckng with you, if you dont its just going to get worse.
Epidemic :devious: And if you dont like it just let me know.
Epidemic :devious: And if you dont like it just let me know.