im not tryna rush another album and shit, im sayin other people do, fans and supporters of eccr. i understand u cant squeeze an album out your ass in a week, ima like east co co till im like 75, im sayin some other people are forgettin the shit. another ne should at least be in the making, its easier to make a comp than a solo. think. it is possible though to make a shitload of music though, quality too, like 98-2002 we had what? 2 woodie albums, 3 northern exposures. i think all that came out since was like lou-e-lou and ne5. i dont really think anybody bought life stories, cuz it had no new music. really though, the rap game is poisoned right now. it is not that good music aint out there its you gotta find the needle in the haystack. for real there is so much music out there, and most of it is garbage. i wont usually even buy a compilation anymore, because it will have a big name on there, then it will be some hook he sang thats recycled, like 30 seconds long. i think the best comps are the ones that is a handfull of people, not just random features and shit. look at lowdown, pond fulla convicts. that song is on like 25 different cds. it is good that xo is doing a mostly featureless album, that really takes balls to do, and proves yourself if you can make a whole album by yourself. like ive seen "solos" with 1 1/2 solo songs, and intros and outros. i will be buying the xo album i already decided. and i am looking foreward especially to shadow and b-dawg. the only thing else is: stay with woodie for production