i've been watching a bunch of old movies lately on netflix. if i run into any i'll let you know.
a bit off topic but i was watching "return of the living dead" and noticed a sample or two that were on million dollar dream projects (think that's where i heard them) ["it was wrong of you to lock me up tina. i had to hurt myself to get up here. i know you're up there, because i can smell your braaaaiiinns" lol]. also on the movie "jackie brown" another that went something like ["what happened to you man? her ass used to be beautiful"]. on the same movie (jackie brown) they kept playing a delfonics song that i remember hearing on a shady nate song
EDIT: also a couple good ones on "one flew over the cukoo's nest." don't remember where i heard them. one goes like, ["im not just talking about my wife, im talking about my life, i can't seem to get that through to you. im not just talking about one person, im talking about everybody. im talking about form. im talking about content. im talking about interrelationships. im talking about god, the devil, hell, heaven. do you understand... finally?"]. let's see if anyone remembers that one, hehe.
you talkin bout the shit from like Ratheads/Mr. Flam type shit. i posted that question along with C-Bo-Liquor Sto sample and wasnt no one fuckin with it. its obvious its old and gangster.....