Quick question. What would be an example of rational behavior and what would not be rational. Please do not use belief in God as irrational. Please be original with replies.
So what do you do? Do you "pray" or "hope" to the Captain of a rescue ship to come and get you. And if that rescue ship don't come and you know your about to die who do you "hope" will lead you to Heaven. Or maybe you just "hope" you'll figure out how to get there.
Hope is nothing but rational. Why else do we wake up? Who says I am going to wake up in the morning. I have faith that I do. Who says I am going to be who I say I am in the next 10 years. I have 'faith' I am going to be that person so I strive to achive such goals. Make sense. We would not live without hope or faith. Isn't that rational?
How so is that? if I were on an island with no food, shelter, no way of getting off. Why would praying to God helping me be preposterous? or even absurd?
uh, YES you could use science to live off of the land. Are you going to just sit there and pray that god gives you some food or a boat? Or are you going to find food, make shelter and survive?
i can not believe some of the shit im hearing.......if im on an island with on of you fucks, dont come to me to eat my food and stay in my shake that i built and your ass was out praying like a fool...think for yourself and safe yourself, stop waiting to be saved
^^^^^I didnt make the cut?^^^^^^ I feel being INSANE would constitute the joining of rational and irrational into one sense.
IF I WAS ON THE ISLAND BY MYSELF, i would not be scared cause i spen most of my life by myself anyway. Id just be scared if i was the only living creature there, cause what am i gonna eat if theres nothing to kill? I can live by myself forever, however, i do have 7 friends i would always enjoy spending time with.
What if your seven friends were with you some how. What if they turned on you?(Lord of the Flies) What if they regulated the island. 7 versus 1. How would you survive? what would you do next? You cannot live off agriculture. You must be a hunter and gather. 8 people total is going to wipe out the food supply.
Yes, I would agree. Being insane and not insane would be an example of rational and not. I just dont see how I am irrational.