Hey, it's simple. Psychopathic records puts out albums for Psychopathic fans and they just rack in the dough on each drop. The market for independent labels is actually quite large and very lucrative. In reality, you don't need MTV or radio anymore. Besides, the only people that listen to the radio or MTV are 13 year old bitches that think the singers are cute, 13 year old boys that think Linkin Park is real hardcore music, and parents listening to oldies. Radio is dead. The only time I use my radio is when I'm listening to talk radio, so essentially FM is a waste of frequencies.
Let me put it this way. There are radios out there now that go way lower than 80.0, and much much much higher than 108.0, yet for some odd reason, there aren't any stations that are willing to buy the new frequencies to put on different music. All these people are interested in is playing the same Ashanti song over and over again, which they already do. Nobody is interested in starting a new station that plays different music, because if that happened, they would lose the power to tell people what they like by playing it until people are so fuckin' stupid in the brain that they have to like it.
Besides, you can't get your shit on radio when you're an indie because all the companies that own the major record labels, are the same companies that own the radio stations. Why do you think that you can turn on a rock station and hear the same Eminem song you hear on rap stations and top 40 stations? Because the record company that's pimpin the music like a crackwhore doesn't give a fuck what it's on, so long as it's on, and it's up to them what gets played and when, and on what station.
Visit your local stations websites and see who owns the station, then figure out which labels the very same company owns. Then see if you find a correlation between the songs they play, and what artists they have money invested in... I bet you'll find that there's a direct correlation between the two.
Anyone in the music industry would back me up on this, but I've done the research myself. If you have any question refer to my very similar post titled "FTWhy the radio sucks", which I'll bump up with this post.