What do you know about Haiti?

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May 13, 2002
Is Haiti the perfect example of 'American Foreign Policy'?

US troops invaded Haiti five times, once staying for almost twenty years (1915-35). At the end of that prolonged visit, during which we killed thousands of Haitians for daring to rebel, we left the country in the hands of the local National Guard, confident that they'd carry on our good work.
From this arrangement emerged the Duvalier family dynasty and their private terrorist force, the machete-wielding Tontons Macoutes. "Papa Doc" Duvalier (he was a medical doctor) also relied on voodoo incantations and, during a 1959 uprising, the timely assistance of the US military. When Papa Doc died in 1971, his 19-year-old son, called Baby Doc, became "president-for-life."
Throughout the blood-drenched rule of the Duvaliers (nearly 100,000 killed by the Tontons Macoutes alone), the US barely uttered a peep about human rights violations. In 1986, however, when it became apparent that Baby Doc's presidency could not in fact be sustained for his entire life (unless he died soon), the Reagan administration airlifted him to a retirement villa in France and started talking about the "democratic process."
Before that could begin, however, the Haitian military had to be further strengthened. CIA money began flowing to Haiti, which had already seen US aid double during the Reagan years. The CIA set up an anti-narcotics service called-appropriately-SIN ("national intelligence service"). As one CIA man admitted, SIN used its millions in CIA subsidies mainly to suppress popular movements by means of torture and assassination. Far from combating drugs, many SIN officers engage in the drug trade themselves.
In 1990, elections were finally allowed. Haitians stunned the US by rejecting the candidate we preferred in favor of a left-wing Catholic priest, Jean Bertrand Aristide. The Bush administration could scarcely conceal its joy when Haiti's US-trained military deposed Aristide eight months later.
When Bill Clinton took office, he offered lip service to the idea of returning Aristide to power. Even this hypocritical posturing was too much for the CIA, who leaked a"psychological profile" that painted the courageous, dedicated Aristide as a "psychopath."
Endless waves of refugees, and US embarrassment over more than 4,000 killings by Haitian security forces, have led to even more vigorous US lip service. But if history is any indication, the chances of a government coming to power that meets the needs of the Haitian people are slim to none.

http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/CIA Hits/Haiti_CIAHits.html

Crowds loot port as uprising spreads in Haiti
"Haitian radio stations reported claims by other rebels that as many as 14 police were killed in Gonaives on Saturday."

'We wait for peace. We wait for war'

Haiti: The Fall of the House of Aristide

May 13, 2002
Nice information you posted on Haiti...oh wait.

The reason why I posted this thread is because I have NEVER once seen anybody talk about Haiti on the siccness. Because of the recent riots occurring there I thought it would be a good time to make a thread to shed some light on what is happening in the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

Hmmm, instead of criticizing me, post some info. Stop complaining so much about what I'm doing. You're starting to sound like McLeanhatch.
Jul 7, 2002
"I wanna slap Bush and his mammy
For how he did the Haitians in Miami that’s my fam
Coupe tet Boule kay, so please die cracka die
That’s for 22 generations of genocide
You see that’s why we get high, just to get by"

~ M-1
May 13, 2002
Originally posted by 2-0-Sixx Nice information you posted on Haiti...oh wait.

"Is this anything like you bringing the United States into every political thread... oh wait. [Hypocrite]"

Do I bring the United states into every thread or are they already involved? [faggot]

Originally posted by 2-0-Sixx The reason why I posted this thread is because I have NEVER once seen anybody talk about Haiti on the siccness. Because of the recent riots occurring there I thought it would be a good time to make a thread to shed some light on what is happening in the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

"Funny how your only sentence included a reference to America, and the article referenced the word "US" (by itself) 8 times. Fool some kid on this board, but don't try that weak shit on me."

Yeah, it’s so funny that ONE of the articles I posted referenced the word “US” 8 times because it happens to be an article that speaks about US involvement in Haiti. Why do you think the thread is called, “What do you know about Haiti?” The purpose of the thread was to INFORM people of the history of Haiti as well as the present. Did you click on the links to the other articles?

Originally posted by 2-0-Sixx You're starting to sound like McLeanhatch.

"And you've always followed in the shadow of HERESY trying to be just like him, do we really want to get off on a tangent like this? I'm not one for i-net trash talking, I request not to go this route."

How is that I have always followed in the shadow of Heresy? Hmm, that’s interesting considering that when I first started posting in the GOM Heresy and I were constantly arguing and talking shit back and forth to each other. This lasted for months until he hit me up on AIM and we squashed everything. When I first came to the GOM there were three main topics of interest, Politics, Religion and Science. Has that changed the slightest bit? Do you see me posting Armageddon type threads? No, you don’t, but I see you constantly defending the US government any chance you get just like Mcleanhatch.

Originally posted by 2-0-Sixx Hmmm, instead of criticizing me, post some info. Stop complaining so much about what I'm doing.

"I wasn't trying to put you down in any way, as I stated in my post, "Right or wrong, I'm just after an answer."

I don’t give a fuck what answer you after. The way you came at me telling me that I should be making a thread about North Korea and hinting that I am an Anti-American, to me is disrespectful. This was a thread about HAITI, to INFORM people about Haiti and to hopefully have a discussion about Haiti. If you want to make a thread about North Korea go right a head, I would love to read it. Call me an Anti-America in new thread. I don’t give a fuck.

Your replies on the thread have just shown me once again how much of a blind fool you truly are. You say your neither left or right, your right down the middle and fair, that’s bullshit. You constantly defend any injustice by amerika, just like you’re doing with the injustices in Iraq, just like you did with the injustices in Vietnam/Loas/Cambodia, just like you did with the injustices in Latin America and just like you did with the injustices here in amerika. To me, you’re starting to look a lot like Bill O’Rielly or some other ultra-patriotic nutcase.
Jul 6, 2002
Like Coldblooded said, the Hatians slaughtered the French back in 1804 (?) by kicking their asses off of the island. And, afterwards all of the Lilly White plantation owners in the Americas were scared of sequencial uprisings by blackfolx who are not afraid to fight the powers that be...

What is ironic to me is how Ellian Gonzalez and other fair skinned Cubans are allowed to stay in the US when they hit American soil in Florida, but all dark skinned Cubans, Hatians, and otha Brothaz from the Dominican Republic get shipped back to thier countries..

Why is that?? Sounds like overt selective racism to me....:dead:
Apr 25, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Of all the countries having committed atrocious acts similar to this one, why do you target the one country you live in.. Do you question why people frequent the phrase Anti-American? Why don't you tell us about North Korea; There are new reports of the North Korean government testing prisoners with chemical gasses, hit it up. We both know the pursuasiveness concerning America's morality has deminished, until some fresh meat joins the forum.

Do you feel it is your fate to convince the masses that America is evil? Right or wrong, I'm just after an answer.
Why do you get offended when someone posts an article on this countries atrocities? I don't seem to understand that.

I don't go to a Ghanaian message board and post the atrocities of other countries, what is the relevance of that? Trying to justfiy my countries atrocities by posting news on Nigerian atrocities does not make it better.

It doesn't make me an Anti-Ghanaian when I talk about my countries atrocities. And it doesn't make me an Anti-American when I talk about this countries atrocities...
Mar 18, 2003
Tenkamenin said:
Why do you get offended when someone posts an article on this countries atrocities? I don't seem to understand that.
I don't get offended, I get a little annoyed at times when it's done without relevance. When he described why he made this thread, he made no mention of America, but in his post you will see--as I pointed out--a reference to America in his only sentence, and a reference to the U.S. 8 times, all talking about what America did wrong. There is nothing wrong with posting something like this other then the redundancy of these issues by the same users.

Tenkamenin said:
I don't go to a Ghanaian message board and post the atrocities of other countries, what is the relevance of that? Trying to justfiy my countries atrocities by posting news on Nigerian atrocities does not make it better.
You would have a point if this were the United States message board, but it isn't. Much of what is duscussed in this forum in particular is world politics, yet some people focus ONLY on their own country, and don't say a word about anything else, and if they do, they bring the U.S. into it.

Tenkamenin said:
It doesn't make me an Anti-Ghanaian when I talk about my countries atrocities. And it doesn't make me an Anti-American when I talk about this countries atrocities...
When I make a post about how Saddam gassed his own people, and someone comes in and replys with "well look at what the U.S. did 30 years ago" it makes you wonder about Anti-Americanism, but when it's done on a regular basis, it can get annoying.
May 13, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Ummm, if they are not already in, you bring them in, that's all that matters. [insert childish insult of your choice]
Ummm, no I only bring them in when they are ALREADY involved. I never made up the fact that the CIA assassinated democratically elected leaders or whatever. When you see a thread about Canada and weed do you see me saying America this and America that? Nope [ok McNitro]

How many article's did you go through to find one about U.S. involvement?

How many of your posted articles on politics involve U.S. atrocities?
Most of them. How many of those same articles have you defended america’s actions?

Actually, to squash your entire rant with one sentence; I think what America did in Iraq, Viet-Nam, and Latin America were all horribly wrong. I wasn't defending America's agenda. I was trying to bring to light certain things that a person with a bias for or aganist America would otherwise not see.

Was America wrong by invading Viet Nam? Absolutely. However, I still do not believe that agent orange over the VN wildlife resulting in American casualties was anywhere near the same level of horror that surrounded the torturing of Iraqi's.
LoL. For the 50th time we were NEVER debating whether or not it “was near the same level of horror”, we were debating whether or not the U.S used illegal weapons on their own troops. Go back to the thread and read. Oh wait, I forgot I’m talking to Nitro, the guy who NEVER admits he or his beloved country has ever done anything wrong.

The list goes on, I don't defend America, I defend right or wrong, and help to decipher between whats true and false.
Sure you do comrade.

Why does it seem that I am always defending America?
Because you ARE constantly defending America. Just look at all of your posts/replies.

Thats simple; put 2 and 2 together; It's because your constantly talking about America's atrocities in a way that I don't agree with.
No, I’m constantly talking about Amerika’s atrocities and you refuse to accept them as wrong doings.
May 13, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Canada, weed, World Politics? [ok 2-0-Heresy]
Yes, Canada, weed, and World politics! [ok Nithatch]

Never. I have pinpointed certain actions (more like one action) and defended America. It really depends on who I'm talking to, if it's someone who posts all bad shit on America and nothing else, I might go a little further just to throw them off track.
LOL@pinpointed! You know damn well not all my threads are about Amerika and their wrong doings. If there was something GOOD that the current administration was doing that I considered to be good, like pump millions into education for example, trust me I would be one of the first to post it. I haven’t seen anything good come out of Bu$shCo. If there are some good things, please inform me because I am unaware. In the mean time, I will maintain my attitude that the only positive thing that can come from Bush is a Dead Bush.

They used it on the wildlife, not their troops. I was debating the level of horror, you might not have been.
Do you have a short-term memory? We went over this...agent orange was in fact used on US troops and there are plenty of Vets that have testified about this.

Ok I went back and read the thread. The question I asked was:
"Ok show us all when our current (or even in recent history) government gassed or tortured it's own citizens in cold blood."

You brought up agent orange.

1. Not a gas.
2. Wasn't in cold blood.
And I wrote,
“As far as gassing their own people, well in my brain, a gas weapon falls under the same category as chemical weapons, do you agree? Now, I'm sure you heard of Agent Orange, which can be classified as a chemical weapon, right? It is no secret that the U.S government was using Agent Orange throughout the entirety of the Vietnam War. There have been several accounts were evidence has shown that the government used it knowing that American soldiers would come in contact with the chemical. Shall I continue?”

Hmm, I can search too McNitro! Re-READ the above paragraph. Agent orage=chemical weapon. US government KNOWINGLY used it on their own troops=COLD BLOODED MURDER :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:


This cat made these two statements:

In direct reply to my post where I said:

I'll be back later to reply to your up and coming kiddie insults.
EVERYONE LISTEN UP!!!! NITRO IS MCLEANHATCH’S BITCH!!! You can continue to TRY to look like you’re not constantly defending amerika with these little cute statements but the fact remains that YOU are the one who would NOT admit that agent orange is a chemical weapon and that the US did NOT use it on their troops and if they did, it surely doesn’t compare to what Saddam did to his “own people”. On a different thread (10,000 dead civilians [Iraqi]) you were very quick to TRY to change the subject about how “10,000 dead.. is only a fraction of those who were killed under his (Saddam) reign” , once again TRYING to change the subject and place the blame on someone other then amerika.

I’ll be back later to reply to your lies.
Dec 25, 2003
Nitro, you're pulling a McQueenBitch. Who gives a fuck what 206 thinks about America? Who fuckin cares man?

206 is posting info on Haiti. You don't like it, don't post about it. All you fuckin Republifaggots do is accuse people of antipatriotism. Who gives a fuck? 206 hates the U.S. Government. Good for him. Is he right to think the U.S is a fucked up place? In my opinion no. The US is the greatest country in the world. La dee da, whoop di whoop.

But I don't react with hysteria and defensiveness whenever people post info. "You just hate the US! You're anti-American! Support the troops!" Get the fuck out with thet faggot shit. I wouldn't be surprised if you're posting from a laptop on the front porch with a shotgun, waiting for dinner to walk by, you fucking white trash jingoist.
May 13, 2002
Haiti Under Siege
Amy Goodman and Jeremy Scahill, February 26, 2004

UPDATE: Rebel attack on the capital "imminent." (BBC News)

The U.S. lawyer representing the government of Haiti charged today that the U.S. government is directly involved in a military coup attempt against the country's democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Ira Kurzban, the Miami-based attorney who has served as General Counsel to the Haitian government since 1991, said that the paramilitaries fighting to overthrow Aristide are being backed by Washington.

"I believe that this is a group that is armed by, trained by, and employed by the intelligence services of the United States," Kurzban told the national radio and TV program Democracy Now!. "This is clearly a military operation, and it's a military coup."

Rest of article, http://www.guerrillanews.com/human_rights/doc3988.html

Why is amerika so concerned with the poorest country on the West? They have no raw materials, no money making exports. Whats the truth?