what do u think about reincarnation.long but interesting

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Feb 14, 2006
i was readin a couple of stories earlier and this shit is crazy..and for some reason its mainly kids who can barely begin to talk then they forget as there older.. heres a couple stories and a link with hella them..

Can He Be His Own Grandfather?
I have been married to my husband for nearly ten years. His father was a pilot in World War II and was killed when his plane was shot down over the Pacific near a small Japanese island called Hachicho Jima. My husband was only nine when his father died. He is now seventy-three.

Seven years ago I gave birth to our son, Benjamin. When Benjamin was about three, he was sitting in front of the full-length mirror in my bathroom when he got this horribly tragic and sad expression on his face and tears in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong, and in what I can only describe as panic mode, he said the following:

"What happened to me? What happened to me? I was flying the plane but those men were chasing us. They didn't like us. Why didn't they like us, Mommy? They were shooting and shooting. I tried to get away but I had to land on the water, and then I drowned. We all drowned." He said the last sentence with such pain and emotion that it brought me to tears.

We had never mentioned his grandfather's death to him. In fact, I don't believe he even knew that his grandfather had been a pilot, since it is a delicate subject with my husband. My husband later asked him how many people were on the plane with him, and he gave the correct answer - six.

We are convinced that either he is his grandfather reincarnated, or that he was somehow experiencing the memory of his grandfather's death fifty-seven years before he himself was born!

Was an Egyptian Physician
This vivid full color dream came to me after I'd received the first degree of "Free Masonry" in 1966. The ceremony must have triggered a past life memory.

I was an Egyptian physician healing the rich and famous throughout all of Europe. I helped heal King Henry II. I traveled England, Holland, France and Italy always commanding high fees. This required me to have a heavy guard because people were aware of the gold I always carried.

As a result of the gold, I was kidnapped in France and held for ransom. My family was trying to overcome the plague at the time. Their health and the demand for thousands in gold delayed the ransom. I was tortured and given little food and, by the time the money arrived from my family, I was dead.

This dream is supported by a hypnosis regression I had years later
Mar 21, 2007
Reincarnation Stories
He Was a Little Girl

At the beginning of September, 1990 I dreamt of my father who had died in January, 1990. In the dream, my father was with a little girl who was crying and he was trying to comfort her. He told her that I was to be her grandmother and I would look after her. So I was convinced that my daughter who was pregnant at the time would have a little girl. However, to my surprise it turned out to be a little boy.

Three years after the child was born, I was on a bus with him. When we passed a certain park, he instantly recognised it and told me that he had died there. However, he was not a boy at the time but a little girl. He said that he had run out into the road when his mummy had told him not to.

I was amazed at his story. He repeated the story three more times and the details never changed. On the last occasion, I tried to stop him from telling it again, but an old man who was sitting behind us asked me not to stop him. He listened to what my grandson said and then thanked us and said, "I don't have long to live and this young man has taken away my fear of death."

One day I was visiting my nephew's wife, and I told her the story. She looked up in shock and said, "I remember that when I was at secondary school in that area, there was a little girl killed in a road accident. It was in the local newspaper."

Please respond to [email protected]

Posted Aug. 21, 2008


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
this is highly scientific stuff... i'm sold

I'm a Dolphin reincarnated... I got the ability to sonar echo on enemy and cops for quick escapes

its true cause it was in a dream


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I've seen a bunch of programs on TV about this stuff, and it is always a little kid who remembers every detail of somebody's death. It's not science, but it makes me believe that there might be more to life than this one life. I've also read and heard a lot of stories of people in surgery that exit their bodies.

This one lady had surgery that required her to be, for lack of a better term, put to death. It was some cryogenic shit, actually...her heart was stopped and her body was kept at cold temperatures...clinically DEAD! No brain or heart activity whatsoever. When she woke up, she described the tools that were used on her, the sounds they made, some of the conversations the surgeons and nurses had, and how the operating room was set up.
May 20, 2004
i believe that shit could be real... i've been learnin alot about buddhism recently... alotta the shit they talk about is startin to be backed up with quantum physics.... the idea of a holographic reality... like everything we see is an illusion... its only there because our brain tells us its there.... you only feel something because your brain says you feel it... you only smell or see because your brain says so... sight is just your brain interpreting photons and light and making it what it thinks is right.... but who knows what true reality is.......

go on youtube and search "reality is an illusion" (main pic is some green face) that 10 min video explains it alot better

but yea man they say you're destined to be re-born in a cycle of life and death until you are awakened (reach enlightenment), and you're not always reborn into a human body. You can be born into an animal body etc... the human body is the most easy route towards reaching enlightenment tho

and about that what dude said and shit struck me powerful was

"to waste a precious human rebirth in trivial concern is like a preoccupied child playing with toys in a house that is burning to the ground"

don't let the precious time you have be consumed by materialistic bullshit


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I am coming back as a hairless cat named "fluffy".

Hopefully a stoner's cat so I can just get high all day, sleep in the window sill, eat, drink some milk, take a shit, get high, go back to sleep in the window, wake up, eat, take a shit, drink milk, get high, go to sleep again, fuck the neighbors Siamese, get high... so on & so forth.

You get the point.
I would not mind being a cat...if I was a cat in the right house, of course. Every time I see my cat, I'm like..."You, bitch, are lucky. You meow, people rub your head, back and stomach. You eat, you sleep most of the day, and somebody else is always responsible for making sure you have something to eat and drink."

What a tough fuckin' life.
Jan 1, 2006
I had a vivid dream that I was a solider in WWII. I was with a group of soliders walking over a snowy hill. We heard a tank in the distance and we all buried ourselves under the snow. The tank came over the hill and there was a Nazi solider sitting on top of a tank he saw me and yelled out. I got up out of the snow and tried to run away and right when I was running I got shot in the back...

I woke up from my sleep and my heart was burning I was grasping for air. The pain was present in my back and chest my heart felt like it exploded.

In my pastlife was I solider?!