What could have been???

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Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
If Derrick Coleman didnt have the attitude and wasnt as lazy as he is...could he have been one of the best ever??

i say yes...he is to hoop what someone like Alfonso Soriano or Vlad Gurrerro is to baseball...a 5 tool player...he can do anything...post up..shoot..get to the rack..play D...handle the ball...and he does all of it a level above of most...just think if that idiot wasnt a lazy piece of shit his whole career.
Apr 25, 2002
I think he would have been a "great" player, but I dont know about one of the best ever. He averaged about 20 and 10 throughout his time in Philly and NJ (not including his current term with philly), once he got traded to the Hornets, it wasnt the same. I dont follow him that well so i dont know if it was his attitude that did it, but he had allot of potential. A number 1 pick getting traded around like a baseball card, its a sad thing if you ask me.